Chapter Twenty

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We got back to the huts and everyone looked at us,

"Where've you two been all day?" Logan asked. Kendall got up and walked over to me, taking my hand in his.

"We went back to the cave... Tried finding anything we could use," he said.

"Oh, did you find anything?" Dustin asked. Victoria and Ella smiled at James and he shook his head. I looked up at Kendall and he walked me over to the other side of the beach.

"Do you like me?" He asked.

"You are my boyfriend... Why are you asking such a ridiculous question?" I asked.

"I kinda thought you and James were sneaking behind my back," he admitted.

"No! I wouldn't do that! Kendall I think you are too important to lose," I said. He smiled and I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. He squeezed me in his arms and buried his face in my neck.

"You're important to me too," he said. I smiled and Carlos walked over,

"Sorry to interrupt but we should all get some sleep," he said. I nodded and walked over to the girls hut.

"I'm going to the spring... Any of you wanna go?" I asked looking at the other girls.

"Nah," Ella said.

"Okay, I'll be back soon," I said. I brought my clothes and grabbed a towel off the clothes line as I walked back to the spring.

Once I was done I got dressed and began walking back. I felt a bite on my ankle and looked down. Nothing was there, but it itched. I got back and everyone was asleep. I grabbed my jacket that was my pillow and threw on Kendall's sweatshirt. I put the pillow on the log and curled up falling asleep.

I woke up to the water crashing loudly. I looked out and saw a light on the water. My eyes got big when I saw a person,

"Kat," it said. I looked confused when I noticed who it was.

"Nick?" I asked.

"Kat," was all he said. He reached out to me and I screamed running into the boys hut.

"Kendall! Kendall someone's out there!" I yelled climbing in his bed with him. Carlos and Dustin got up tiredly and walked out. I put my face to his chest as he rubbed my back and hugged me.

"It's ok, it's nothing," he said.

"YES!" I heard Carlos and Dustin yell. Seconds later Carlos ran in.

"WE'RE GOING HOME!" Carlos yelled. My eyes got big and so did Kendall's as we got up. Moments later a familiar girl walked in along with another lady,

"Mom!" James said and hugged her.

"Kendall!" The other girl yelled and jumped in his arms. I backed away and saw Ella, Jannah, Victoria, and Stella in the doorway. Ella and Victoria frowned at me.

"I'm gonna go get the other boys," Jannah said.

"There's an airplane coming in about five minutes for you guys. I'm taking Logan, Jannah, Carlos, Stella and the other two. Rest of you on the plane," his mom said. We nodded and I walked back with Ella to pack.

"Who's that girl holding Kendall's arm?" She asked motioning out the door.

"The girl he was heartbroken over," I said.

"Kat, I'm so sorry," she said. I shrugged and let a tear fall. "Oh Kat!" She said and hugged me. I let out a sob and cried on her shoulder. "You aren't lucky in love are you?" She smirked. I smiled back,

"Nope, guess not," I said. I wiped my face and we heard a plane landing. We came out and it was hovering with a ladder. Kendall, the girl, and Dustin were already on. Ella as I climbed up and they shut the door as we walked to a seat. It was three to a row and the only one left was by Kendall, the mystery girl had the window. I sat down and he frowned looking at his lap. He went to say something to me when I heard the other girl perk up,

"Okay so when we get back we can continue with the wedding plans, I still haven't told mom or dad," she said and my mouth fell open and a small laugh escaped my lips. He was engaged! He looked at me and I shook my head at him as I got up and walked to the front where James was sitting by himself.

"Hi kitty," he smirked. I smiled and sat on the ground next to him. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Why didn't any of you tell me Kendall was engaged?" I asked. James' eyes got big and he looked away from me. "James!" I said.

"They dated for several years. He asked her only a few days before we got on the cruise. She is madly in love with him, though all of us don't really think he likes her back... It kinda seems like he's marrying her because everyone expects it." He said. "When Kendall was with you something changed in him. He laughed, joked around, and felt what it was like to be free. She doesn't treat him like that," he said.

"Oh... Where are we going?" I asked.

"To LA, if you and Ella need a place to stay I'd happily take you in. We're flying out to Kansas in three weeks for their wedding," he said.

"That's perfect, then we'd be home," I said.

"Okay," he smiled. I smiled back and leaned against his chair.

- Three Weeks Later-

"Are you sure you're not going?" Ella and James asked standing on my front porch.

"Yeah," I said.

"We never said you couldn't crash a wedding..." James said. I laughed and shook my head. James and Ella turned around when a car pulled up to the sidewalk. I saw Kendall's fiancé, Monica walk up the sidewalk.

"Bye," James said to me and took Ella with him.

"Looks like I came in time," she said to me.

"In time for what?" I asked.

"In time to UN-invite you to our wedding," she smiled.

"I wasn't even planning on going in the first place," I said.

"Good, cause the last thing I need is a little city girl like you showing up and ruining my perfect day," she sneered.

"Really... Everyone has the right to be ugly and stupid, but you abused the privilege," I said. I slammed my door in her face and walked back to my room. I'm crashing a wedding,

Let me know what you think!!! Should she do it?!

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