Chapter 3: Jack

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I looked at him, still having that confused look on his face.
"Yeah, it's Jessica. Looks like your out for a run, huh?"
"Do I know you?" He asked slightly pointing at me. Does he seriously not remember me. We met yesterday. I thought.
"Yes, you know me. We met yesterday at the Café." He smiled putting his head down, looking at the sand. His head rose up again staring at me.
"You must have met my twin brother Jake, right?" I stared at him for a moment, taking it all in. He has a twin brother? Who looks just as good as him? Damnit. I thought.
"Yeah, I'm Jack."He smiled and reached his hand out to shake my hand. I shook his hand smiling, trying not to make it obvious that I was checking him out.
"Oh...It's nice to meet you."
"You too." He said, "Jake told me about meeting you yesterday."
"Oh, he did?" I asked, trying not to let my emotions explode.
"Yeah. He told me your name, and that you were...good looking" He said as he darted his eyes up and down my body; which, was just a little creepy looking in my opinion.
"Oh did he?" I said smiling, feeling unsure.
"He wasn't lying." He said. Now I really started to feel uncomfortable. I just smiled at him.
"We should hang out sometime." He said.
"Oh." I said, feeling a little unsure still. "Yeah, that would be fun." I said smiling.
"" He said, staring at me. It couldn't get anymore creepy than that. It made me think he was going to use me to for fill some kind of sick fantasy he had, but his brother was nothing like that.
"So what are you doing now?" He asked smiling at me.
"Just taking pictures." I said.
"Oh, your a photographer?"
"Yes." I said, "I have to go." I tried to walk past him. He moved in front of me, trying to keep me from leaving.
"Why do you have to go? I thought we were going to hang out?" He said, looking down at me.
"I didn't think you meant hangout now. I'm going to meet a friend." I lied.
"Oh, Well...we definitely need to hangout soon."
"Uh, yeah." I said. I knew I lied to him but I didn't want to hangout with him at all. I walked off the beach and went home, still thinking about Jake. Why does he have to have a twin brother? And why does he look as good as him? How am I going to tell them apart?

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