Chapter three: Choices

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Nightmares POV

I starred at the unconscious skeleton in front of me. How the hell? Is it just mere coincidence that he found me here? Or was he looking for me this entire time? I saw Dream stir into consciousness. Killer, about to knock him out again, held up his knife ready to hit Dream with the butt of it. I signaled to him, telling him to stand down and he lowered his weapon. Dream looked up, his star eye lights were fuzzy. His eyes widened when he saw me. "Nightmare?!" He said, his voice laced with happiness and surprise. "It's been awhile brother." I said coolly, keeping my surprise hidden. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I wanted to find you. Your my brother, so why wouldn't I?" Dream answered. "What are you planning to do now that you found me?" I asked, my eyes narrowing. "Well, I'm going to give you a choice." Dream said. I rolled my eyes, yay a choice. "Either, you could come with me and explore the wasteland, or I could stay here and help you build up your empire." Dream continued. Each choice has Dream joining the group, in which I don't mind. He may not have suffered as much as I have, but he's still may brother. "I'll have to think about it." I clinched my fist. Curiosity was calling me to explore the wasteland, but I want to keep expanding my empire. "In the mean time, Cross, Killer, show our new team member around." I instructed, Dreams eyes lit up when I said team. Happy about being able to stay I guess. Killer nodded and lead Dream down a hallway to my left side, Cross followed close behind.

Dreams POV

I found him, I finally found him! I tried not to look as excited as I was in front Nightmares comrades. I only showed a smile. Two other skeletons lead me down a dark hallway. The skeleton with no eye lights, Killer I think, was in the Front. While a skeleton wearing black and white walked beside me, Nightmare called him Cross, there was something about him. He was mainly quiet, and he just walked beside me. Killer opened a door at the end of the hall and it opened up to a well lit room. It seemed to be a Living area, beds lined one wall. A small kitchen was in the corner of the room with a dinning area next to it. Other skeletons sat at the table, one of them had a black skull and he seemed to be focused on something. Another lifted his head, I almost gasped at the sight of a large hole in his skull, and he sniffed the air a single red eye-light looked at me. "Well, well lookie what we have here." He said as we got closer. The smell of rot hit me like a tidal wave, I had to stop myself from gaging, I could easily tell he was a goul. "Is he a snack?!" The red eyed skeleton said hopefully, yup defiantly a goul. "No he's new blood." Killer said sitting down next to another skeleton with one eye light being red and Blue while the other was just red. "Soooooo... yes?" The red eyed skeleton asked. "N-O. Horror." Killer said eyeing Horror. Horror pouted falling back in his chair, he bumped into the black skulled skeleton in the posses making the black skulled skeleton drop what he was working on. The skeleton seemed to tense up, an unfinished puppet fell to the floor. "Woops, sorry man." Horror went to pat him on the back, when the other skeleton smacked his hand away. "DON'T touch me!" The skeleton almost yelled his eyes almost being consumed by glitches. Horror backed away handsup in a surrender fashion. "Error your gonna crash again." The crazy eyed skeleton said, his eyes read that he's haunted by something.(Or someone <(>w•)>) Killer sighed as the glitchy skeleton growled. "Kid, these Idiots are Horror-" He pointed at the goul"-Dust-" Killer pointed to the crazy eyed skeleton"-And Error." Killer pointed at the glitchy skeleton. "You already know me and Cross." He gestured to himself and Cross. I nodded inputting the names into my memory. "So what's your name kid?" Killer asked. "Oh! My names Dream." I introduced myself. "And apparently is Nightmares brother." Cross added and sat down. He gestured for me to sit next to him. "Oh that's why you wouldn't let me eat him." Horror said, and Killer nodded with a sarcastic smile on his face. Error picked up the puppet a put it on the table. He picked up the knitting needles next to him, 'But he doesn't have string.' I thought. My thought was answered when blue strings came from the tear like markings under his eyes, he kept trying to get the strings on the needles. "Come on, get on the-" Errors temper flared and he threw the knitting needles. Me and Cross had to dodge for the needles not to impale us in the eyes. Errors force in the throw made the needles wedge into the wall, the blue string attached to it. "Screw you needles!" Error said, acting like a child. Dust broke out in laughter, almost falling out of his chair. These guys were defiantly, interesting.

Nightmares POV

I was in deep thought, curiosity was nagging me to go explore the wasteland while the urge to build my empire was just as great. I growled, Damn it Dream why do you make things so difficult. I sat there for maybe ten minutes, then made my choice. I know my team would follow me no matter what. I walked down the hall to the living space, my mind set. I opened the door finding Dust dieing of laughter and Error crashed and rebooting, God these idiots. No one noticed I was there untill I stood next to Dream and asked, "What happend to him?" Nodding to Error. I made Dream jump in surprise and Killer pointed to the knitting needles wedged in the wall. "Error got to mad." He said a hint of laughter in his voice. It took Error around three minutes to Reboot and he blinked when he was back online. "You all saw nothing." He growled eyeing Dust who was recovering from his laughing fit. Dream looked at me with his 'have you made up your mind face' and I slammed my fist on the table craving the attention of everyone. "Pack your bags and grab your guns we're going on an adventure!" I said and Dream perked up. "Ha! Just like old times!" Killer said, memorys of when it was just me and him flooding back. "This is going to be fun!" Horror said a big smile on his face. "ThiNgs ArE aboUT tO GeT IntEreStIng." Error said his voice glitching a bit, a way to tell he's excited. "Hell ya!" Dust said already eyeing the knife holder on the counter, most of which are his other than the butcher knife that belonged to Horror. Dream seemed to have no words he just smiled but I knew he was trying to hold back his excitement. This is going to be an interesting adventure.


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