Chapter four: Ambush

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Dreams POV

I was helping the others gather supplies. We were almost done and it's only been a few hours since Nightmare announced his choice. Dust was sharpening his knife on his bed while Cross helped Error collect the food from the cabinets. Horror and Killer were out on a supply run. The others told me that Killers Nightmares main choice for important missions, I wonder why.

(Time skip brought to you by Wolfas laziness)

Nightmare called us to the main room when Horror and Killer came back. They brought as much stuff as they could carry and we separated the supplys into each of our bags to lift the load. "Food." Nightmare said. "Check." Killer responded going through his bag.






"Locked and loaded!"

"Welp seems we're set." Nightmare said and I nodded in agreement. Nightmare made his way out the door with the rest of us following behind. Me and Cross took up the rear, we watched the others. Dust was trying to annoy Error, Killer was walking next to Nightmare with his face in the map, Horror walked along swinging his meat clever humming a tune. "Hey Cross..." I started and the skeleton looked at me. "Why did you join Nightmare? Just curious." I asked wanting to learn more about he skeleton for some reason. "He offered protection and I took his offer." Cross said, looking back towards the others. "We both know there's more than that." I said catching the hint of lies in his voice. "That's all, as simple as that. There's nothing else." Cross answered. "Come on I know there-" I was cut off by Crosses angry glare. "IT'S NOTHING." He said in a harsh tone and walked a little ways ahead of me. It was deffenatly not nothing. I sighed Cross seemed to be the most interesting to me, the way he had a distant look in his face. It felt like something was haunting him, and I want to find out more about him. Nightmare and Killer were a different story though. I could easily tell Killer had a crush on my brother by the way Killer looked at him. I know Nightmare knew about this but the real question is how Nightmare felt. It was hard to read my brothers emotions. He's been antisocial since we were kids, hiding in the library after school. Now Nightmare looked like a more tough version of himself, he also made a team that he leads with confidence. A few hours passed with laughs and jokes coming from our group. We pasted the border around three hours back, I could tell when everyone became more alert and weapons are drawn. Eyes darted around the landscape looking for movement or, in Killers and Dusts case at least, something to shoot. A flash of movement caught my eye and I readied my scepter the others catching my movements and they readied their weapons to. "Show yourself bitches!" Nightmare yelled. A goul stepped out of the shadows, one of his eyes was clawed out and a long scar made its way down his face. Other gouls surrounded us, each had a gun drawn, looked to be an entire camp. Nightmare served his the enemys, eyes squinted. "You lost the first time. You think you can win now?" He said, signaling us to take our aim. The others did but I just stared them, fooling them into thinking I was a weak target. "Yeah, but we're gonna win this time. You've got nowhere to hid, and I brought friends." The goul signaled to the others that surrounded us, then his expression got serious when he pointed to the scar. "And your gonna repay me for this scar." The goul said drawing his gun. Before anyone had time to react, a loud BANG was heard, Nightmare clinched his shoulder a bullet going half way through it. "NIGHTMARE!" Both me and Killer yelled in unison, but Killer was the one to run to my brother. My face was hidden in shadow, emotions erased. The others aimed their weapons and Cross looked at me. "Dream you Okay?" He asked and I looked up, he flinched away at the anger in my eyes. "No." I said, hitting three without looking. "I'm mad." The others stared at me for a minute before Dust piped up. "It's official, Dream is a badass when he's mad."


Foxwing was still joking about this morning, much to Bemmies annoyance. We were deciding where to camp when we heard bangs, gunshots. Bemmie wanted to check it out. I followed the goul silently my weapon readied. We peaked out behind a rock to see a large goul gang surrounding a small group. We could tell one was severely injured and they where completely out numbered. I could easily tell that Bemmie was planning something stupid. What she said next confirmed my theory, "Lets help them."


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