Chapter One

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Cinderpelt padded around the Thunderclan camp, Where is Ravenflight? She thought.
She looks to the thorn tunnel when she see's that Tigerstar is dragging Ravenflight into the camp.
As she races to Ravenflight she puts her paw on his throat, "he's dead," she announces as the Thunderclan cats gathered around.
"Oh no," Brightheart gasps, burying her face in Cloudtail's fur.
Fireheart rushes into the clearing from the dirt place tunnel, "what's wr-" he started then noticed Ravenflight's limp body, "no!" He collapsed by his friends side and Graystripe rushed to his side, the two toms began weeping.
Sandstorm came and sat beside Fireheart, stroking his back with her tail, "hush Fireheart, he's in Starclan now," she mewed.
Tigerstar runs and jumps onto the high rock and Cinderpelt turns to look at him, "Cats of Thunderclan, gather bellow the high rock for a clan meeting!" He called even though most of the clan was already there, "as we all know, Ravenflight is dead. But you don't know who killed him!"
Murmurs rippled through the clan.
Cinderpelt notice's tufts of brown fur under Ravenflight's claws, "It was you!" She yelled in protest, "you killed him!"
Tigerstar looked insulted by the accusation, "why would I kill him, he was my apprentice!" He mewed, boiling with anger.
Cinderpelt shook her head, "your fur is under his claws! You're covered in scratches!" Cinderpelt yelled.
"I didn't kill him! It was Fireheart!" Tigerstar yelled.
All eyes turned to Fireheart.
"How could you!?" Darkstripe yowled, "you were his friend!"
Cinderpelt realized that Darkstripe must be in on this terrible plan.
"I didn't kill him!" Fireheart protested, "I was out hunting!"
"Then why did you come back through the dirt place tunnel!? And why did you not bring back any prey!?" Longtail howled.
Cinderpelt gasped, he must be in on it also! She thought, what wretched excuses for Thunderclan cats!
"Its the middle of Leaf bare! I didn't catch anything!" Fireheart yelled back, "the main entrance was blocked by the crowd of cats who came to see Ravenflight!"
Tigerstar let out a hiss, "I will have no more of this!" He yelled, "Longtail, Dustpelt, go burry the body. And as for you Fireheart, you and your precious Cinderpelt seem to be plotting against me, I order you both to get out of my territory now and never set paw in this territory again!"
Cinderpelt gasped and her eyes widened, "you're exiling your only medicine cat!" She protested.
Tigerstar laughed, "Brightheart will be our new medicine cat."
Brightheart gasped, "but in not train-"
"Cinderpelt has until moon high to train you and until tomorrow at sunrise for her and Fireheart to be out of the territory!" Tigerstar hollered.
Brightheart looked longingly at Cloudtail and glances at Swiftleg, "but I have a mate," she mews softly and sadly.
Tigerstar laughs, "not anymore! Cloudtail, you are a distraction to Brightheart, you will be exiled too!"
Cloudtail gasps, "No!"
Tigerstar glared at him, "refuse one more time and you'll feel my claws!"
Cloudtail nods sadly, he goes to lick Brightheart's cheek in farewell but the Orange and white she-cat pulls away and he looks at the ground in defeat.
Cinderpelt pads to the medicine den slowly, "come Brightheart, there is much I must teach you in so little time."
Brightheart follows reluctantly and Cloudtail pads over to Fireheart who is sharing tongues with Sandstorm for the final time.
Tigerstar growls loudly, "SANDSTORM!" he yells, "do you wish to join this traitor in exile!?"
Sandstorm looks longingly at Fireheart then back to Tigerstar, "I love him," she mews.
Tigerstar laughs, "No, you love Dustpelt, your new mate!"
Sandstorm gasps and looks at the brown tom who is just returning from burying Ravenflight.
"I have a mate," Dustpelt mews.
Ferncloud nods, "yes, and I'm expecting his kits," she mews softly.
Dustpelt's eyes widen as he runs to the she-cats side, "really!?"
Ferncloud nods sadly, "yes."
Dustpelt curls around her, "I'm going to be a father-"
Tigerstar laughs, "you're going to be the father of Sandstorm's kits this new leaf," he mewed.
Dustpelt shakes his head, "no, she's not my mate, Ferncloud is my mate."
Tigerstar shakes his head, "no, she does not have a mate, unless she would like to be my mate," he purred.
Ferncloud laughed, "like I would ever be mates with a murder."
Tigerstar gasped, "you can be mates with whomever you choose now that you're exiled from my clan!"
Ferncloud gasps then whispers to Dustpelt something that Cinderpelt can't hear.
Cinderpelt watches Dustpelt nod briefly before padding over to Sandstorm and sitting down behind her.

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