Chapter Eight

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Cinderpelt obediently padded out beside Tigerstar, Brightheart on his other side.
Tigerstar stopped and Cinderpelt padded over to the other exiled cats.
As Cinderpelt stood with the exiled cats Brightheart started to pad over to touch noses with Cloudtail for the final time, only to be pushed away harshly by Tigerstar.
Brightheart gasped in pain as she hit the ground and Swiftleg and Graystripe ran up to her to help her get back up.
"You are not to speak to him!" Tigerstar growled, a hint of a laugh in his voice.
Brightheart nodded, sadness taking over quickly.
Cinderpelt leaned lightly on Firehearts shoulder but stopped as she received a quick glare from Sandstorm.
Tigerstar paced in front of the exiled cats, "you are never to return to my clan. You must never come near my clan. If you break these rules the punishment will first be a warning. If you ignore the warning you will receive the true consequence; death."
Cinderpelt gasped, I must never come back, never.
Tigerstar glared at her for gasping and she bowed her head like a scolded kit.
"I want Darkstripe, Ashfur, Dustpelt, and Longtail to guid the exiled cats to the border. I don't care which border, so long as you watch them leave and they never come back," Tigerstar mewed with a growl.
Cinderpelt lifted her head and stood up, as did the rest of the exiled cats.
Darkstripe led the way out of the camp, Ashfur by his side.
Dustpelt came and started to pad alongside his former mate, Ferncloud, while Longtail padded at the back of the line.
Cinderpelt limped to near the front of the line where Fireheart was.
"Hey," she mewed quitely and sadly.
"Hey," Firestar muttered.
He must be thinking about Sandstorm, Cinderpelt thought.
She lay her tail over the orange toms shoulders, trying to comfort him.
The group of cats reached the Riverclan border where Dustpelt touches noses with Ferncloud even though they probably both knew that Darkstripe, Ashfur, and Longtail were glaring at them.
The pair of cats put their foreheads together before Dustpelt stepped back slowly.
Cinderpelt watched a tear run down Ferncloud's face and seeing this made a tear run down her face too.
She leaned against Fireheart's shoulder, noticing the orange tom flinch.

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