Chapter Six

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Dustpelt watched as Tigerstar padded into the Medicine den and moments later came back out with Cinderpelt and Brightheart on either side of him.
He ran up to Fireheart and with a glance at Icecloud he whispered into his ear, "If you promise to take care of Icecloud, I promise to take care of Sandstorm," he whispered.
"I promise, thank you Dustpelt," Fireheart mewed with a nod.
Dustpelt pretended to have slapped Fireheart's muzzle with his tail for show and walked away to stand beside Sandstorm.
He noticed Graystripe run to Cloudtail and all he heard were the words 'protect Brightheart'. He assumed that Graystripe had promised to protect Brightheart even though he walked away with a hiss.
As Dustpelt looked up at the sky he saw the moon rising slowly, the exiled cats didn't have much longer to get out of Thunderclan territory.
Icecloud glanced at him but looked away when they made eye contact.
Dustpelt sighed as he thought of never seeing Icecloud again. Never meeting their kits. Never being a true family.

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