Chapter Nine

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Fireheart flinched as Cinderpelt leaned against him.
Her tears running onto his shoulder.
He leaned his head on her head, licking the top of her head.
Sandstorm, Fireheart thought longingly of his mate as he watched Dustpelt part from his beloved Ferncloud.
"Stay strong my love," Dustpelt mewed with a sad smile.
Ferncloud smiled in the same way as her mate, nodding as more tears streamed down her face.
The she-cat leaned against Cloudtail, her tears soaking into the toms white pelt.
Dustpelt and the others turned and padded back into the woods.
Ferncloud looked ready to collapse but Cloudtail nudged her and the exiled cats began to walk closer to the river.
Cinderpelt was still padding beside Fireheart, tears still running down her face.
"Hey! What are you doing here!?" A Riverclan tom yelled as a patrol of cats padded out of the reeds.

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