Chapter Five

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Brightheart sat beside Cinderpelt in the medicine den, barely listening to a sine word the former medicine cat said.
"Comfrey is for healing broken bones, oak leaves are to sto- are you even listening to me?" Cinderpelt mewed.
Brightheart was gazing out of the den where Cloudtail sat with the other exiled cats, "huh? Oh! Uh... S- sorry, I just can't think straight, I'm about to loose my one and only mate..."
Cinderpelt nodded sympatheticly, "I know. I'm losing my position in the clan, my position in the world..."
The two she-cat's sighed sadly before continuing to go over herbs and their uses.
"Let me get this straight, one poppyseed makes you fall asleep easier and gets rid of shock, two poppyseeds puts you to sleep fast, and, skipping three, four could almost kill you?" Brightheart mewed. She wanted to make sure she knew what she was doing to prevent Tigerstar exiling her- or worse, killing her.
She didn't really mind the thought of being exiled, as that would mean she would get to see her precious Cloudtail again.
"Yes," Cinderpelt mewed with a slight nod, "you are correct."
The two she-cat's continued to review all of the herbs that were more basic and used often. The other herbs, Cinderpelt had said, could be explained by the other medicine cat's later on.
Suddenly Tigerstar padded in, "you're time is up."

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