Chapter Three

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Ferncloud padded to sit beside Fireheart, Graystripe, and Cloudtail.
She had made a deal with Dustpelt that he should escape the night after she leaves to come find her so she can have him there when she has the kits.
She watched as Tigerstar padded to Dustpelt and told him to grab the two smallest pieces of prey for the exiled cats.
She sighed as she lay down and awaited her prey.
Cloudtail nudged Graystripe, "Graystripe, I think you should go away from us so you don't get hurt- or- or worse," he mewed sensibly.
Graystripe nodded and padded over to the medicine den.
Maybe he wants to help Cinderpelt teach Brightheart, Ferncloud thought.
She watched as Cloudtail nudged Fireheart until he stood up, "Dustpelt is bringing food."
As Dustpelt sat two small mice down he glanced sorrowfully at Ferncloud.
Icecloud looked back at him sadly.
Please Starclan, don't make him mate with Sandstorm, she prayed silently.
Dustpelt padded away from her and the other outcasts slowly, casting one last glance at Icecloud over his shoulder.
"Ferncloud, you first," Fireheart mewed.
Ferncloud nodded her thanks and took a bite of the first mouse.
Cloudtail then took a bite of it.
Then Fireheart.
Out of the corner of her eye, Ferncloud noticed Dustpelt sneaking a plump Shrew to the medicine den for Cinderpelt, Brightheart, and Graystripe.
Ferncloud sighed before taking another bite of the mouse. She had noticed that Fireheart and Cloudtail had taken rather small bites, saving some of the mouse for her and the kits in her belly.
The three cats continued to take turns eating the mice until they were both gone.

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