Chapter Seven

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Swiftleg sat in the clearing, Tigerstar had just announced the exile of Cloudtail, Fireheart, Cinderpelt, and Ferncloud, and strangely, he wasn't upset.
He used to be friends with Cloudtail, he never really had a problem with the others. It was because now Brightheart would be here without Cloudtail, without a mate, with only Swiftleg to rely on. The one problem was that she was going to be the new medicine cat.
Swiftleg couldn't be mates with her if she was the medicine cat. Not unless- no. Swiftleg couldn't think like that. Brightheart and Cloudtail made each other, Swiftleg could never make her as happy as Cloudtail made her. No matter how hard he tried.
It was in a way his fault. When Bluestar had refused to make them warriors he had suggested to see what was going on at Snake Rocks. Little did he know there was a pack of wild dogs there, waiting for an unsuspecting victim.
Swiftleg had almost been that victim, he had almost let Brightheart be that victim too. He could never forgive himself for the pain he had caused her.
He had been unconscious for several sunrises. Almost too many.
Brightheart had woken up that day and told the clan everything. Including how Swiftleg had almost died to save her.
While he had been asleep Brightheart and Cloudtail's bond strengthened. It strengthened a lot.
Cloudtail had helped her so much. Swiftleg had only caused her pain.
By the time Swiftleg had woken up Cloudtail and Brightheart were inseparable.
Could Swiftleg change that? Maybe the pain from Brightheart not having her mate would drive her straight to Swiftleg's open heart. Maybe not.

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