**house keys(sehun)

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°Stepsiblings (don't hate on this if you aren't into it, just don't read)°
~Almost caught~

The day that my mother had brought home her new boyfriend I was entranced with his son.

He was the most handsome person I had ever seen, not only innocent but naïve. He didn't know that every single action he did elicited a fire inside of me. It wasn't until our parent's honeymoon that I had gotten tired of containing myself.

"Wanna watch a movie y/n?" Sehun asked me, knocking on my bedroom door.

"Sure." I said, leaving my room and following him upstairs to the living room. The movie was already starting while he had went to the kitchen to grab snacks and stuff.

"Also when our parents left, they left the house keys." Sehun held the keys in front my face.

"Hopefully at least one of us is home when they come back." I said, turning back to the TV. Sehun walks over to the coat closet near the front door at tosses some blankets at me.

"What are we watching?" I ask curiously, pulling a blanket over my body. Sehun shrugs as he walks into the living room with popcorn and soda.

"I just picked whatever." He said nonchalantly, snuggling under the blanket with me. Little did he know, just with the small space between us I was blushing.

The movie was actually getting good only until an adult scene came on. I saw Sehun bite his lip, little did he know that had caught my attention. I slightly smirk as I decided to rub may hand against his thigh. I saw him look at me through the corner of my eye, but I just kept watching the movie.I pulled my hand away which only made it seen like I did it on mistake. As the scene was getting more heated, I did it again. This time my hand was on his crotch, lightly rubbing his you know what. This time I made sure to look at him. His eyes widened but at the same time he didn't push away. I kept on rubbing him, causing him to groan softly. That seemed to make him come to his senses.

"Stop it. You're my sister." He pushed my hand off, which only made me more needy.

"Step sister." I muttered, emphasizing the step part. I then proceeded to pause the movie, and turn to him.

"Yah, this would be wrong." He scooted away from me, the distance between us making me angry.

"So what. It could only be a one time thing. We aren't even related."

"But our parent's are married and love each other. So it is considered illegal." He started to get up from the couch. But without thinking I stood up and grabbed his waist, pulling him onto the ground as we both fell. It was a really awkward position, he was on his stomach and I was laying on his back. He tried to get up, telling me to get off of him.

"I can't control myself anymore. So drop your inhibitions. Please." I said, his movement seemed to stop. He turned around to make our position less uncomfortable. Our eyes met and I bit my lip. All the innocence that I had seen before in his eyes were replaced with something else.

"Stop doing that or I'll have to bite your lip for you."

Unconsciously I did it again, causing him to slightly growl. He attacked my lips, immediately biting at them as I didn't let him take control. He flipped us over so quickly that I gasped which gave him access to my mouth.

His warm soft lips turned our heated kiss into passion. I felt his hands move up and down my sides, and I slightly giggle, causing him to get annoyed.

Just as he was pulling my shirt over my head we heard a noise at the front door.

"Hey, we are home early." I heard my mom knock at the door.

Sehun and I looked at each other, untangling our limbs. I turned off the TV, grabbed the bowl of popcorn, and ran up the stairs to my room. I could feel Sehun glaring at my back as I left him to get the door for our parents.

"Why is the living room a mess?" His dad asked as soon as they walked in.

"I was building a blanket fort."


Barely edited lmao.
first one!! I hope you guys enjoyed it! Next update is in a week

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