***baby boy(jongin/kai)

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you were studying for midterms when your boyfriend jongin had decided to bother you.

you could tell that he was horny, because he always gets clingy. not to say that you did not like it, but you were busy at the moment.

"baby, I am trying to study ." you frown at him. he pouts his lips and puts his hands on your knees to stand between you and your textbook.

"i need attention." he rubs up and down your thighs with his large hands. you just notice the tent in his shorts, that was growing at the moment. you glare at him before shaking your head.

"my studying is more important than your boners. you know how to fix that yourself." when you say that, he whines.

"please. i need you now y/n."

you groaned, thinking about what you wanted to do. when he kissed you again, you didn't push him away this time.

he smiles into the kiss when he successfully distracts you.

he carries you to your shared bedroom and lays you down without breaking the kiss.

when he pulls off his shirt, you flip him over so that he was on the bottom.

"since you pulled me from my studies, i will be in charge tonight."
you get off the bed to grab what you need. this was not an uncommon thing to happen in the bed, you guys both took turns being dominant.

when you turn back around, you see him smiling cutely at you. you tie his hands to the post of the bed, making sure not to do it too tightly to hurt him.

"this is your punishment, baby boy." you smile at him. jongin licks his lips as you run your hands down his body, to his most needy part.

pulling down his shorts along with his briefs, you  grab his leaking cock, and pump it very slowly. he cried out in pleasure, trying to buck his hips up. he knew you would stop if he tried to take control without permission.

you kitten lick the tip, before licking down his length. he groans got more impatient with your teasing. without warning you took him all in your mouth.

he was always in awe whenever you did that without choking.

you suck in your cheeks and move up and down, your hand twisting around the base of his member. he silently screams at the over whelming pleasure, and the heat of your mouth.

you abruptly let go, quickly pulling off your clothes before positioned your body above him. his eyes shined as he looked up at you lovingly. you kiss him deeply then pull away.

when you finally sit on his throbbing member, jongins eyes screw shut. with a tug on his hair, he opens them back up. he knew that was a rule, always maintain eye contact, but he really likes it when you pull his hair so he will break rules sometimes. how naughty.

he mewls when you start to move up and down, thrusting up into you. you nip at his neck, sucking it to create marks. he loves when you mark him as yours.

"ugh, y/n, you feel so so good." he moans, while trying to pull out of his bindings.

"who's y/n? baby that is not my name." you immediately stop all actions, scowling at him. he whines at the abrupt halt, but catches along.

"im sorry mommy, just please keep making me feel good." he begged you, sorry written in his eyes along with lust and love.

you smirk at him and begin to wreck him again. your earlier speed was moderate but you had begun to slow down in order to draw out the feeling. he felt so big every single time that you guys had sex, and it drove you crazy whenever you heard his loud moans.

"baby you are so big." you praise him, running your hands along his abs and to his face to pull him to yours.

he shyly smiles at your compliment. he could deal with whatever punishment that you gave him, as long as he was praised for it. he always craved your praises.

but your slow thrusts on him was making impatient. usually he would endure it, but he was just so horny that he needed release.

"can you please untie me mommy?" he begs, tugging at the rope that was burning his skin. he could handle the rubbing of them, but he needed to touch you now.

"and why. your punishment is not over." and as you said that, you got off of him.

he started to whine and moan in abandonment as you stood up. his pleading words filled your ears, but you smirked.

"beg for what you want baby boy." you nip at his ear. the warmth of your breath caused him to shiver.

"mommy i want you to let me fuck you. please please i promise to make you feel so good." he spoke fast, still tugging at the rope binding him.

you smile and cup his face with one of your hands before kissing him. he immediately responds, desperate for your touch. you grab his hair and pull him from you, and smile once again.

"okay, i will." you mold your lips with his again. while you were kissing him, you reach your hands up to his and untie his hands. almost immediately, his hands found their way into your hair.

he flips you two over, and delicately spreads your legs. as he leans down to kiss you thighs, he pushes one of his fingers into you.

you moan at the feeling and grab his hair. he smiles at you before kissing your clit.

you bite your lip to keep in your moans, but he wanted to hear how good he was making you feel. he adds another finger and pumps it slowly but deep into you.

you bite your lip harder when he curls his digits inside of you. he begins to suck onto your clit, and with that you quietly moan. you can feel him moan in appreciation of your arousal dripping down your thighs, and the sound of your moans.

before you can release, you pull his head up to yours to taste yourself.

"fuck me baby." you whisper in between your kisses. he immediately puts his member to your slit, making you both moan.

he pushes in without hesitation, digging his nails into your hips at the amazing feel that he missed so badly. he pulls you up to him so that he can rest his head into the crook of your neck. he sucks your neck, kissing you mindlessly on your collar bone.

you smile at the feeling of him stretching you out once again, your moans making him more confident in his actions.

he thrusts fast into you, gasping into your ear, making you even more aroused.

"I'm so close mommy." he pushes his head into you neck again.

"me too baby." you tug lightly at his hair, making him closer.

he then releases with into you, moaning loudly. you whisper sweet nothings into his ear to help him through it.

even after his release, he keeps thrusting trying to get you to your high.

you could tell that he was overstimulating because of his whimpers, but he really wanted you to release also.

when you clench around him, he moans at the warmth of your cum. the pleasure of the whole thing makes him orgasm once again.

he falls on top of you, head on top of your chest.

"I love you so much mommy." he whispers, caressing your legs.

"i love you baby boy." you kiss the top of his head, giggling.

requested by @Honica_4749     . sorry for the wait. i hope you enjoy xoxo

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