***tired (junmyeon/suho)

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"I can not sleep..please entertain me"

Junmyeon had had a very long day that day so when he had come home from practicing new choreography, he was ready to eat and go to bed.

Of course, you being his loving girlfriend, you had prepared him a nice plate of warm food knowing that he would be grateful.

"You always seem know what I need,  Y/n." Junmyeon smiles tiredly before kissing you on the nose.

While he was finishing his meal, you decide to take a shower. You also had had a long day at your work, and you were ready to get comfortable.

The hot shower was enough to make your stress go away, and too your dismay you had to get out, even though it had felt so nice.

Walking into your shared bedroom, you notice Junmyeon already laying in bed in a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. He had not even laid under the sheets because he was so tired.

Chuckling under your breath you draw the sheets over his calm silhouette.

You did not know it, but Junmyeon was not yet asleep, be just had his eyes close because he was waiting for you. When he had felt you pull the sheets up, he slightly opened his eyes.

He had seen you in a plain towel before, even without one, but seeing you that night with your wet hair in a loose bun exposing your neck, and your lovely curves framed by that cloth eliminated all forms of tiredness that he had had in him.

Quietly he lifts the covers off of himself and approaches you. At this moment you were looking for your brush inside of your vanity.

When you feel a pair of arms slowly wrap around your waste, you flinch and look into the mirror in front of you to see Junmyeon snuggling his face into your neck.

"Why are you still up?" You mumble as he begins to nibble on your neck. 

"I seem to not be tired anymore." His voice is almost a whisper as he continues to bite slightly at the column of your neck.

"Oh please, not tonight. I am so tired, Junmyeon." You try to pull his arms off of you, but fail as he tightens his grip.

He hushes you, and begins to lick up towards your ear. He slightly groans after hearing you moan lightly.

Grabbing your chin he makes you look straight forward at the mirror.

"I want you to watch as I mark you."

When he says this, you can feel your heart race and your breath hitches.

At his command, you continue to watch in the mirror as he continues his actions down your neck and to your shoulders.

"You really must be in the mood." You mumble, as he tries to take off the towel that you still had wrapped around you.

"Please, since you are tired, let me pleasure you tonight." He comes face to face with you.

You bite your lip and nod in response, and he groans.

"You really need to stop that if you want me to be gentle on you." He caresses your cheek before finally molding his lips to yours.

It did not take long for you to comply to his actions, and he led you both to your bed without breaking from your lips.

It seemed like an eternity of your lips being mingled with his, before Junmyeon broke away. He was slightly panting as he began to completely disrobe you from your current attire.

He eyed you lovingly, appreciating every inch of your body. You tried to cover up, uncomfortable with his burning gaze on you.

"Stop covering yourself. You are so beautiful." He grabs both of your wrists in one of his hands, the other inching itself towards your womanhood.

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