🖤d.o./kyungsoo smut🖤

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Y/F/N= your friends name


so much for the booze and shots and debauchery, this is a damn party. the flashing lights, which could trigger an epileptic seizure, distracted you from the constant paranoia that you had always felt when leaving your

Your best friend, y/f/n, was celebrating their birthday and they had dragged you out of your apartment to party all night.

Of course, you had wished to refuse, but you knew how much this means to y/f/n so you had gotten ready for hours.

"Oh!" Y/f/n exclaims,"they are here!"

You look up from your virgin drink, slightly shocked by your friend's sudden outburst and being torn from your doubts of being here.

"Wha-," you start, not having caught their words spoken to you.

"Come one let's go dance!" Y/f/n exclaims and disappears into a crown.

When you try to follow them , you accidentally get lost in the crowd and run straight into someone, the impact forced you to fall back on the ground.

The stranger was like you, sober in a room full of drunkards partying until sunrise. You knew this because if this situation had happened with a wasted person, they would have have almost ignored the whole situation, too fucked up to care.

You rubbed your head as he held out his hand to help you up.

"I'm so sorry, sir." You said, your voice cracking in embarrassment. You were going to kill Y/F/N for ditching you in a club to get wasted.

"It is okay." The stranger smiled softly at your franticness. "You also on designated driver duty?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" you tilted your head to the side, taking a seat next to him at the bar.

"Well, you're not slurring your words, you seem to have empathy, and you're modestly dressed compared to the other girls in here." He assessed, shrugging at his observations.

"Wow." You whistle. This guy is quite interesting.

"This scene doesn't seem to fit you." You could feel his gaze looking you up and down, studying your outfit and composite.

"Well you're right with that one, but I have to watch over my best friend." You tried to get ride of your embarrassment by pointing over to Y/F/N, who was on the dancefloor in the club grinding on some guy.

"What a coincidence, your friend seems to be dancing with mine."

"Yeah. She knows how to have fun. Unlike me." You sigh in annoyance still regretting ever coming out.

"I bet you know how to have fun, don't be hard on yourself uhh-" he faulters, and you realise that you guys have not even introduced yourselves.

"Oh, I am y/n." You fulfil his silent request.

"Kyungsoo." He smiles at you, sticking out his hand. You take it in your own, and slightly laugh at this situation.

"Well I think I am going to head over to y/f/n, and probably gonna have to take them home.." You sigh at the thought that y/f/n would probably cause a scene and you begin to retreat from him, but he grabs your forearm.

"Want to get out of here with me?" He asks, awkwardly letting to of you. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. Why would he ask to leave with someone he just met.

"I gotta stay here and watch after my friend." You scratch the back of your hear, but kind of on the fence because y/f/n would insist that you leave this man if they were here.

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