***teachers pet(sehun)

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requested by Honica_4749
I hope you enjoy!! (also listen to audio while reading hhh)

it was finally the end of semester exams, and you were finally starting the second semester of your senior year.

yes, you were excited to finally graduate in six months, but the main reason why you were so ecstatic for this next semester was that you would be in the psychology class that you had been looking forward to for just about your whole highschool career.

in recent years the regular teacher had retired and was replaced by the new teacher on the block. and his name was,

"mr. oh." you called out, as you raised your hand.

said man looked at you, waiting for you to elaborate on whatever question you had wanted to ask him. the rest of the class groans out loud.

you have a reputation for being a teachers pet, always asking questions, always reminding about assignments, always asking to carry out takes, and always making lessons seem like they were going on forever.

"i was wondering, when is the next class quiz? i want to study over the weekend."

with this, your classmates glare at you. but you do not care because you got his attention.

it is safe to say that you have the hugest crush on this new teacher. but who could blame you?

tall, handsome, fresh out of university, and not to mention his eyes that you could swim in for an eternity. they are so deep, but you would not mind drowning in them.

you were not the only student that had the hots for mr. oh. if anything, almost everything breathing in this school becomes absolutely awestruck in his presence.

the only thing keeping most people from really admiring his being was his cold demeanor. yes, he was very distant, but when you felt his gaze locked on you, heat would pulse right through you.

with your question, he smirks slightly amused with this. he never knew a student as attentive as you. and that is what makes him so interested in you.

"well I know we are only about a week in the semester, but the first quiz in this class will be next thursday." he mused while listening to the complaints from the other students.

but he knew that you were delighted.

you may not know this, but he has seen your past test results, and he is quite impressed. his theory that behind pretty faces, cobwebs house was smudged in the ground when he had laid his eyes on your perfect scores and your eagerness to study everything you rest your pretty eyes on.

at the end of that class period, which means the end of the day for you, you stay a little late to ask mr. oh what you should pay specific attention to which while studying later.

"mr. oh, about the quiz, what points should i study."

"well," he looks thoughtful for a second, "i feel that you should study all the notes that you have so far. there will be a little of everything on the quiz."

you nod, but before you could escape the room, you backpack hits a cup holding pencils on his desk,and all the pencils go flying.

you immediately bend over to gather the pencils, apologising profusely. mr. oh just is silent. watching your figure in front of him, realising the fact that the skirts that the school uses for uniforms are incredibly inappropriate.

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