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Jieun PoV:
I wake up with an arm around me,I turn my head and gaze at the man next to me I slowly lean closer and peck his lips,he opened his eyes and look into mine "good morning~"he said and pull me closer to him,I love his smell that's why I love being in his arms snuggle myself to him and him playing with my hair "jieun-ahh are you fine?"he asked
"Yeah"I answer shortly and put my head in his chest,I smile hearing his heart beat "jieun...what if we get married?"he asked,it's take me a minute before I answer "what about our school?"I asked as I look him "no need to worry I can take care of everything"he assured "I think Im not yet ready"I answered,he stroke my hair "it's okay..I'm welling to wait"he said "if Lisa..will come back..and want you back"its slip out from my mouth,I didn't mean to ask him that "I will always choose you..no matter what"he said,I feel the burning sensation in cheeks "good"I said as I kiss his cheeks "or else I'll kill you"I joked "you will never kill me... because you-----"he was cut off when we hear a loud bang from the door "jieun,open up!!!"I heard a male voice,I quickly go to the door and open it "jin oppa"he hug me "oppa,are you alright?"I asked as I feel his tears in my shoulder "I'm sorry...jieun,I'm really sorry"he apologized "for what?"I asked as I look at him with a confuse look "because...I didn't change your future...im scared jieun..."jin said between his sobbing "I'm scared that you will die...and I never felt your warm again"he continued "what you mean?"I asked "I have a friend..he always dream about you...he dream about you meeting jungkook.."he said as he gaze at jungkook "he dream about you being kiss by Taehyung..."i remembered the day Taehyung kiss me "and he dream about you being.........d-de-ad"jin felt hurt when he said the word 'dead' "jieun....he try to everything to make everything stop..he try stopping your future.."I've been confused more "who is him?"I asked,with a blink of my eyes I see a man standing next to Taehyung "I'm Jimin,Jin's friend"he said "jieun...your future is getting worser than it is..."he stare at me "I try my best to stop that happened but..it will never change"he said.
(Fast forward)
Jungkook PoV:
I'm sitting with jieun's brother and friends "jungkook you need to know something.."jin started "tell me now?"I said "your existence and jieun make your both life's completely complicated..."jimin said "both of destined to kill each other not to love each other..."jin said "you should have died earlier if IU didn't stop herself...jieun love you truly but IU isn't...she can kill you anytime"jimin added "we have a request for you,ask IU if she truly love you like jieun do..."jin said "but...we have to plan something to make her grandma died and Lisa.."jin said,my eyes went wide when I hear the name Lisa "why Lisa is involved here?"I asked,a three man suddenly enter the room "because she will kill jieun" the tall man said "and who are you?"I asked "I'm RM..call this two boys jhope and Suga..."the tall man pointed at those boys "nice to see you again RM"jin said as he bow lightly at the man "nice to see you too jin...nice to see you Taehyung and jimin"RM said "jungkook were here because...you were the only one who can stop all this thing..."RM said "I know you must be confuse...Lisa was your ex right?"he asked and I nod "well...she was planning on killing jieun...and were here because jin needed our help"RM said.

Sorry if it's takes so long to publish this chapter...Ive been in so much stress...so I don't know how to continue this...

But I still hope you like this chapter love you guys 💋

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