Chapter Fourteen

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It hurts to see the girl I like get hurt because of a friend who I thought is a friend.  Here we are inside the clinic cleaning Jenny's wounds.  Her wounds are not that deep but her skin's damaged.  

I will never forgive Jie for what she has done to Jenny.

"Stop crying will you?" Jisung said, irritation was evident in his voice.  It made me snap that's why I stop up and faced him.

"Why don't you just shut up okay? She's hurt so let her be dumbass." With that, he grabbed me by the collar and so did I.  He pushed me against the wall.

"You watch your mouth hyung.  Specially when I'm not in the mood." After he said those words, we let me go and walked out of the clinic.  

Everybody was looking at us.  

Gosh! this is so frustrating!  

I couldn't take it anymore so I just left and ran back to my dorm.  If it wasn't for Jie, then we wouldn't be fighting!


"I'm really worried about this friend of yours." Jisoo noona said.  Lami's with us and we're all at the hospital.  If we'd take Jie back to my dorm and clean her up, we'll never know if her condition is critical.

The doctor said that she had some deep bruises.  He left cheek was bruised badly and her right eye has a long visible scratch.  

I swear! I will kill whoever did this to her!

"I'm scared." We turned to look at Lami who was looking at Jie worriedly.

"Why?" I asked

"She might end up like me.  That happened to me.  But not that harsh! I was bullied until I wasn't friends with the dream anymore.  They made me stay away from them and I'm afraid that this is happening because they want her to stay away from them." Lami explained.  That's their reason for hurting Jie? If that is, then I'll force Jie to transfer!

I'll introduce her to JYP and We'll protect her.  Me, Chan, Hyunjin and the others! We won't let her get hurt.

When she wakes up, I will talk to her about it.

24 hours passed and Jie still hasn't woken up yet.  Lami and Jisoo noona left a few hours ago.  I stayed and didn't go to school because I wanted to stay with Jie.

I looked at her and realized why she passed to be a Neo Tech student.  

Her perfectly tanned skin, cute nose, a Kendall-Jenner like lips matches with her long black and wavy hair would definitely be a Neo Tech student.  I wonder if one of the NCT students like her.   I mean, it's not impossible to not like her! She's pretty and nice.

I heard a knock on the door and saw that a doctor came.  I greeted her with a bow and she smiled at me.

"Good Morning.  You're supposed to be at school Felix" I scratched my neck and laughed a little bit.  Shoot! I didn't know that she'd be checking up on Jie!

"I-I just helped a friend a-and I couldn't l-leave her b-because there's no one to stay." She nodded and patted my head.

"Well then, I'm just checking her if she's already awake.  But since you're already here, you can just call me whenever she wakes up and whenever you need anything.  Okay?" I nodded and the doctor turned her back on me.  But before she even manages to go out the door, she said something to me.

"Take care of her Felix, Love you!" She said while smiling

"I will mom" Then she left.

I swear, she's gonna tease me about this again!

I waited for another two hours again and there was still no sign of Jie waking up.  I was thinking about those Dream students a while ago.  Jie still hasn't woken up because of them! I got pissed and called Chan and Hyunjin to come to my dad's hospital.

Once they were here, I gave them directions on what to explain to Jie and how to act around her when she wakes up.  I need to see those guys first.

I called my mom's chauffeur and told him that I was going to Neo Tech.  When I got there, students were looking at me, girls were greeting me and boys were whispering.  Well, it's not always that I go here.

The security let me in after seeing my I.D. and calling the headquarters.  I walked through the crowd in the hallway and find my way to see the Dream.  I didn't mind the girls who were calling my attention, I don't have time for them.

Jaemin caught my eyes, he's with Jisung , Chenle and Haechan. They're all at the garden eating food together.  I marched my way there as fast as I can, anger building up inside me.  

I quickly grabbed Jaemin's collar that made everybody shocked, including him.

"What the hell happened to Jie?! What did you do to her?!" I yelled.  He pushed me away from him and stood up.  The others also stood up beside him.

"What the hell is your problem?! We didn't do anything to her!" He yelled back.

"Then tell me! Explain why is she in the hospital up until now?! Why does her face have scratches?!" I was panting and angry.  If they were confused and angry a while ago, now, they're all worried.  

"W-what do you mean she's in the hospital?" Jaemin asked.  So they don't know? I laughed mockingly at them.

"I thought you guys were friends.  Seems to me like you don't care at all.  Forget this happened, Jie may be awake by now." I told them and walked away.

I was walking fast when someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder.

"I want to see her.  Why is she in the hospital?" It was Jaemin

"You don't have to.  She's already recovering from the pain." That's what I told him and went off.  I'm dead serious about making Jie transfer to JYP.

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