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Olivia's POV

I lay on my side on my bed, staring at the wall thinking. It's been 2 weeks since homecoming, and that's all I've been thinking about. Jack. About how much I fucked up. 

The girls and the other boys visit me every day after school, trying to get me to tell them what happened. I wasn't having it. I just sat there and looked at them as they spoke to me. Not saying anything. They tried getting me out of bed, also wouldn't budge then. I haven't even gone to school. 

I haven't been eating a whole lot, so I've lost a bit of weight. I have no motivation to do anything. I'm probably being over dramatic but Derek and Jack consume my mind. I still feel so dirty and can't help to think that what happened with Derek was all my fault. 

I haven't told anyone, not even Mia. I think the only person that could get me out of bed is Jack. He's not here though, obviously.

I zone back into reality when I hear the boys and girls walk into the house. I grab my phone checking the time, seeing that it was already past 3. I only woke up at 12 today. 

I've texted Jack a couple times, he read them but never responded. That hurts a lot, he's really mad. But I can't find the mental strength to tell him, or anyone for that matter. Though I should, but it's my fault it happened in the first place. I should've just let Derek to continue to cheat on me and this whole mess wouldn't have happened. 

Someone knocks at my door and then opens it. The girls and the guys all walk into my room. I sit up.

"How are you doing babe?" Sammy says, sitting on my bed. Along with Mia, and Johnson. 

I just shrug, looking down at the sleeves of my sweatshirt. Well, Jack's sweatshirt and fumble with the strings. 

"You need to get up Olivia, this isn't healthy." Mia says. 

I shrug again, not really caring. 

"For fuck sake Olivia, I'm done pitying you when I don't even know what's going on. Stop moping around and get off your fucking ass." Sammy snaps. I look up at him shocked. I look at the others and they have the same expressions, but he's right I should get up. 

"O-okay" I say, my voice raspy as I've barely spoken in the past 2 weeks. 

"Really?" Sammy asks, and I nod, "damn, I didn't think that would work." 

He chuckles a little and I clear my throat, "I should probably shower." 

They all nod, and my phone dings letting me know I have a message. I furrow my eyebrows, silently praying it's from Jack. 

I grab the phone, unlocking it. I click on the message and my face falls as I realize it's not Jack. "Who is it?" Mia asks. 

I read the message again. All it says is 'hi'

I start typing back. 

Me- who is this? 

xxx-xxxx- it's Kian from starbucks, sorry I took so long at finally texting

I change his name to 'Kian' with a monkey face emoji. I smile and look up at everyone, who are just staring at me confused.

"It's that guy from starbucks." I finally say. 

"Oh my god yes girl, he was hot as fuck." Stassie says, Mia and Claudia nod their head in agreement. 

"Uhm, your boyfriends are standing right here you know." Nate says. 

"What guy?" Johnson asks. 

"His name is Kian Lawley, he flirted with me when I was getting starbucks a few weeks ago. I said I had a boyfriend though." My face falls as I realize that I don't have one anymore. I shake my head of the thoughts and go on to my phone texting him back. 

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