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"Like what Harry?"

"History classes will include one side of events. Other students are going to have very different opinions about our family and history and how things played out. "

Teddy could tell his godfather was troubled.

"What is it Harry?"

"Look Teddy. You know I always try to be honest with you, right?"


"Your Dad was a great man. He was a powerful wizard and he was a great teacher. He wasn't perfect. He made mistakes. He had regrets. But he loved you and he loved your Mother."

Harry paused for a moment.

"Your Dad was accused of doing things he didn't do. He was friends with people who were accused of doing things they didn't do, including betraying my parents. There have been people who hated your Dad for no reason and have said terrible things about him. If you hear things you have questions about then contact me."


"Teddy, I've never been able to ask you this before. You know your Dad was a werewolf right?"

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