Chapter 6

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smithnwesson: So people are starting to talk about prom

smithnwesson: Only a couple weeks away

marvelbutmostlyloki: Are they? I haven't heard.

smithnwesson: How have you not heard

smithnwesson: It's literally all anyone's been talking about

smithnwesson: Our boring as f school is finally doing something fun

marvelbutmostlyloki: I guess I might have heard people talk about it had I had any friends that were planning to go.

smithnwesson: Are you going

marvelbutmostlyloki: Of course not. Why would I want to go to prom?

smithnwesson: Uhhhhhh because it's prom

smithnwesson: You can't not go to prom

marvelbutmostlyloki: I really don't want to. Overrated pop songs and crowded rooms are not my idea of a good time.

smithnwesson: It's way more than that tho

smithnwesson: Everyone looks way hotter in their suits and dresses

smithnwesson: And dancing is fun

smithnwesson: And you get to hang out with your friends

smithnwesson: It's great

smithnwesson: I went last year and it was actually way better than I thought

marvelbutmostlyloki: I would rather spend an evening alone on tumblr

smithnwesson: You have to go to prom

smithnwesson: I promise it'll be worth it

smithnwesson: You can bring that friend you always sit with at lunch and just kinda hang out and enjoy the ambience

marvelbutmostlyloki: I'm not going to prom. It's stupid, expensive, and not interesting.

smithnwesson: I'll get you to change your mind

smithnwesson: I have two weeks to do it

marvelbutmostlyloki: Why do you care? You'd never talk to me in person.

smithnwesson: Maybe not but you're cute and I like the eye candy

marvelbutmostlyloki: ... thank you?

smithnwesson: Pleaseeeeee go

marvelbutmostlyloki: No.

marvelbutmostlyloki: You can look at other people instead.

smithnwesson: God you're annoying

smithnwesson: Whoops sorry pretend I didn't say that first word

marvelbutmostlyloki: I can handle seeing God's name used in vain. I do it all the time.

smithnwesson: Okay that makes me feel better

smithnwesson: You know what else would make me feel better

marvelbutmostlyloki: I'm not going to prom.

smithnwesson: Dammit

marvelbutmostlyloki: I'll make you a deal. If you ask me to go to prom in person, I will do it.

smithnwesson: So you're basically asking me to ask you to go to prom with me

marvelbutmostlyloki: I never said you had to ask me to go with you. Just that you have to ask me to go. And tell me who you are, too.

smithnwesson: Right because there are so many guys that are planning on asking Mr. Religious to prom so you'll really need the specification

smithnwesson: Well I'm sorry to let you down but I'm not going to do that

smithnwesson: I will forever remain anonymous

marvelbutmostlyloki: Then I will forever remain the guy that didn't go to junior prom

smithnwesson: I'll change your mind eventually

smithnwesson: I'll just do it anonymously

smithnwesson: But just you wait

smithnwesson: If my friends are dragging me to prom, I'm dragging you right along with me

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