Standing before her was none other than a young Tom Riddle.
She instinctively took a step back, assuming a defensive stance. "Holy shit... I didn't expect to see you here," she exclaimed, clearly taken aback.
"Did you think I wouldn't be here just because the diary's gone?" Tom asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he moved closer.
She straightened up, raising an eyebrow in surprise. Tentatively, she reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder. To her astonishment, her hand made contact instead of passing through him. "How is this possible?" she wondered aloud.
He smirked a hint of amusement in his expression. "You managed to keep the memory of me alive. I'm grateful for that," he remarked with a playful lie.
As he took her hand in his, she shivered slightly, feeling the chill emanating from his icy touch. Quickly retracting her hand, she remarked, "I'd say you're handsome in real life," paused, taking a step back. "Knowing who you become, it makes me want to leave."
"Hmm, handsome, you say?" he smirked once more. "Well, regardless, I know you're not from this time. Most likely when my reign is claiming the lives of muggles and mudbloods as we speak."
She chuckled a hint of disbelief in her voice. "Hahaha, no."
His face twisted into a minor scowl. "What? Are you saying I don't?"
She smiled, locking eyes with him. "You tried, I'll give you that. But you ultimately failed. That's all you need to know. Besides, the real you is out there right now, amassing followers."
Confusion flickered across his face, and she relished in the fact that she had bewildered the young Dark Lord. He began pacing in front of her, providing her an opportunity to focus on her potion.
"Oh, and I can assure you I'm doing this right because I had an exceptional Professor," Sophie stated, leaning over the cauldron to inhale the aromatic fumes.
"You think highly of Slughorn, then?" Tom sneered.
She let out a laugh. "No. I didn't mean Slughorn. I meant someone from a later time." Her eyes welled up slightly as she thought of Snape's future demise.
"Good, because Slughorn is a pathetic excuse for a professor," Riddle scoffed, crossing his arms and ceasing his pacing.
"At least we can agree on something," Sophie said, meeting Tom's gaze once more.
"Agree? Well, I suppose you're right... that is what it means to agree," Tom conceded with a hint of frustration.
An awkward silence settled between them, prompting Sophie to stand upright. "I should leave. I'll let the potion simmer overnight if you don't mind."
"Why would I mind? It's not like I can control your actions," Riddle replied, taking a seat beside the cauldron. "I'll... make sure nothing happens to it."
Sophie was momentarily stunned, then turned around and began making her way back to the tunnels she had entered through.
"If you take the left one, you won't have to climb as much," Riddle called after her, his back turned.
She hesitated for a moment but decided to follow his advice. Jumping up onto the stone ledge, she resumed her journey along the bricked path.
Reaching the point where she had to start climbing, she effortlessly ascended, eventually reaching the top. "That was easier than I thought," she mused to herself, spotting Myrtle once again.
"Oh? You made it back alive?" Myrtle remarked, floating down towards Sophie.
Sophie smiled faintly, exchanging a few words with the ghost before the chamber closed behind her. Dusting off her robes, she said, "See you in two days, Myrtle." With that, she was on her way.

Severus Snape: The Half Blood Prince
FanfictionThis is a story about our beloved Half-Blood Prince, Severus Snape. Specifically, this is a story about a girl named Sophie who changes the fate of the Half-Blood Prince. //TW: Language, Sexual Activity