*(63) Seventh Year, Part 3 of 4

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The events of the day had taken their toll, and she found solace in the warmth of the hearth, deciding that a nap was the best way to prepare herself for whatever challenges lay ahead.

~•Time Skip•~

"Severus, just two more years until I'm free, then we can have all the fun we want," Sophie said, her voice brimming with excitement as she jumped into his arms, purposefully speaking loudly to catch the attention of the people around them at King's Cross Station.

"Alright, alright. Just hold back the affections and keep it to a minimum. Most individuals here work for the Ministry, and I don't want to be known as the star-crossed lover when I submit my application for a teaching position," Severus responded, adjusting his robe and tidying his buttoned vest with a hint of embarrassment.

"Aw, you just admitted you were star-crossed-in-love with me," Sophie teased, her joy bubbling over internally.

"Well, yes... indeed, I did," Severus confessed, leaning down to her and tenderly kissing her forehead, displaying his affection for her.

Sophie wished he didn't have to leave her side this school year; this was when havoc would begin to spread, leading up to 1981 when it would be at its worst. She didn't want to meddle too much with the timeline; she merely wanted to change Severus for the better.

Severus released his lips from her forehead, then grasped her shoulders, pulling her close. "Be safe, especially this year. Don't wander off too far when visiting Hogsmeade, and please, for the love of Merlin, do not simply walk into the Forbidden Forest. I know you tend not to follow directions, so I emphasized the 'please'," he chuckled, the vibrations resonating in Sophie's body.

She took in one last gentle whiff of him before reluctantly letting go. Her pitiful smile couldn't hide the sadness she felt inside, and it seemed as though she was in anguish over his departure.

Grabbing her suitcase, now enchanted to hold more items, she made her way onto the train, taking her seat in the compartment she occupied last time. However, this time, it felt colder and lacked the comforting aura.

Glancing to her left as she walked in, she imagined Regulus sitting there, dozing off every few seconds but trying not to fall asleep. Goosebumps appeared on her arms and legs as she realized that his body would transform to match that of the Inferi, and he would be forced to do Voldemort's bidding in time. The weight of history and the task ahead weighed heavily on her heart.

The compartment door slid open with a soft hiss, revealing the darkened interior, its walls adorned with the soft glow of magical lanterns. Sophie's eyes darted upwards to find two chocolate frogs perched delicately above her head, accompanied by a note that held her heart captive.

'My brother told me you liked these before he strangely disappeared so I figured this is a way of paying you back for your generosity, even though it is not much. I hope you enjoy it.


As she read the heartfelt note, the memories of Sirius and his brother Regulus swirled in her mind. The kindness of the two brothers, despite belonging to different worlds, struck a chord within Sophie's heart, leaving her both touched and melancholic. The thought of their current predicaments weighed heavily on her soul.

A tender smile graced Sophie's lips, and her heart swelled with affection as she noticed the change in how Sirius had signed his name. The simple S.B. had transformed into a graceful and artistic representation of his identity. It felt like a private message crafted for her alone, a testament to the bond they shared.

Her fingers traced the inked words gently, absorbing every ounce of sentimentality conveyed by the note. However, something caught her attention—a small blotch of ink near the end of the message. Unbeknownst to her, the smudged mark formed the shape of a heart, a subtle declaration of emotions that remained unnoticed by Sophie in the moment. She then began her response:

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