*(27) Why?

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At that moment, they both understood that he would always be there for her. Always.

The following morning dawned with a flurry of activity just outside their door, a cacophony of sounds that threatened to disrupt their peace. However, Albus had kindly informed Severus that they were both granted a day off to recover from the harrowing events of the previous day. It was a much-needed respite, a chance for them to process the near-death experience they had endured and tend to their wounds, both physical and emotional.

Severus held Sophie even tighter, mindful of her injured knee and ensuring not to cause any discomfort. At this moment, their roles had reversed. He became the provider of solace and comfort, a steady presence for her in her time of need. Her face nestled against his chest, and he reveled in the warmth they shared. Lowering his head, he planted a soft kiss on the top of her head, cherishing the connection they had formed.

A contented sigh escaped Sophie's lips, signaling her awakening.

"Good morning, my dear," Severus greeted, a smile evident in his words as he continued to caress her hair gently. "You slept like a newborn kitten last night, only shifting once."

"Gee... I wonder why," she murmured playfully, attempting to stifle a yawn that failed to fully materialize. Her fingers trailed along her neck, jaw, and cheek, the realization of the events flooding back to her. "So, it wasn't a dream."

"No, it wasn't, Miss Bussell," he confirmed, sitting up and helping her do the same. They sat there in silence, reflecting on the magnitude of what had transpired.

"We're quite exposed, aren't we?" Sophie remarked, grasping Severus's right hand with her left.

"Indeed," he replied, tilting his head slightly as he gazed at her. "But I rather like it."

A chuckle escaped Sophie's lips, her schoolgirl-like giggles filling the room. "Sev the Perv," she teased, succumbing to her laughter and leaning back against the headboard, wincing slightly as she inadvertently leaned on the bruised area. She glanced down, noticing the vivid bruising. "Oh God, the scars I can handle, but bruises are just the worst."

Severus spoke without hesitation, his voice filled with genuine concern. "I can make you feel better... hopefully."

She glanced up at him, their eyes locking in an unspoken understanding. He leaned down, capturing her lips in a tender kiss. His warm lips served as a balm, alleviating some of her pain. Eventually, he broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers. "If you weren't hurting right now, I don't know where that kiss would have led us."

Sophie covered her mouth with one hand and her entire face with the other, a grin dancing on her lips. She felt like a schoolgirl whose crush had just professed his feelings. "What stopped you?" she playfully inquired.

"I didn't want to cause you any more pain," Severus admitted, brushing a strand of hair from his face and then hers.

She gave him a half-hug before sitting up once again. "I. Am. Starving. That jello did nothing last night," she declared, mischief glimmering in her eyes. With that, she threw off the covers and attempted to sit up. Quick to react, Severus sprang up, rushing to her side and offering his support. As she reached for her clothes, he made his way to the bathroom, turning on the shower to a suitable temperature.

Carrying her school uniform, including the vest, robes, and knee socks, Sophie entered the bathroom and placed them on the counter next to the shower. Severus finished adjusting the water temperature before turning around, nearly colliding with her. Swiftly, she wrapped her arm around his neck, pulling him into one final peck on the lips. "Thank you, Sevy. I'll be out in a little bit."

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