(95) Meticulous and Maniacal

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"You..." he began as he leaned in closer to her, "are a Horcrux."

Her mind was completely blank. It was almost like she was paralyzed again. Frozen in. Being in a nightmare where you think you're running but move nowhere. She could feel her lungs collapse a bit.

"W-... what?" She asked while shaking Tom off her arm.

"Stay calm," Tom said as he stood up and grabbed the back of her chair.

"You heard me correctly, "Voldemort said as he began turning around to walk away, "There have been obvious signs ever since you first met me... whether it be through my Horcruxes or my physical being here. Just think it through. Like I said... it was quite obvious."

Sophie stood up and grabbed his arm before he could completely walk away. She realized as soon as she touched him, his thoughts ran through her head... but they echoed like a hall of mirrors that were frozen.

"Wait," Sophie said while gripping his arm tightly and making him turn around, "You never killed anyone near me... so that wouldn't be possible."

Voldemort scoffed, "The murder and placement of the soul don't have to be immediate... I would know, I've made 8 total."

He then stared down at her grabbing his arm, but he surprisingly wasn't offended by someone like her touching him: a mudblood... or so she thought.

"I am the type of person you hate the most. Muggle-born. I don't follow orders. I do things behind your back. I rarely come back to tell you information. And most of all, I don't like you," she said confidently.

He paused for a moment before answering, "Your blood status doesn't matter to me. You are simply rebellious and the only one to do so towards me, so of course, I took interest. Also due to the fact you weren't afraid of me, I was intrigued. I only call on you when I need information or need to talk... and I think we both know your last statement was a lie."

Her eyes shifted from his face in a flattering manner. Images of the Younger Tom Riddle ran through her mind as he brought that topic into a question.

 Images of the Younger Tom Riddle ran through her mind as he brought that topic into a question

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