"he's in a band." | reddie.

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18/19 y

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18/19 y.o. | 1988

"Bill, no!"


"No, I will not go to a concert of a band I don't even like, to listen to songs I have never heard, to be pushed and smashed against other people who, by the way, may be all drunk or high, and filthy in general. I won't."

Bill's shoulders came down along with his lips, letting the lower lip stand out a little.

"Fine." He muttered, leaving his cup of coffee on the table, turning to the indow in the same position, waiting for his plan B to work.

"Oh, no, no no no. Bill, no, I really don't want to go, so don't force me, please." Eddie begged.

"It's okay, r-really, I already said suh-so." Bill stuttered quietly, now looking at his best friend at the other side of the table.

Eddie wasn't capable of turning his eyes from the blue ones staring directly at him sadly, like he had just killed his pet or broken their favorite comic book.

Eddie's lip quivered, then he took a deep breath.

Bill couldn't belive it, was it really working? He saw Eddie grabbing his polyester cup without bringing it nowhere near his lips. He pressed his lips together and narrowed his eyes.

Time for an upgrade of his techniques; he turned his head slightly to the side, mirroring a puppy, with his straight hair dangling with the angle.

"Oh, for fucks sake, I'll go, just stop staring at me like that."

As he spoke, Bill changed his facial expression, soon showing all his teeth as he leaned forward on the table.

"Really?! Oh my God, Eddie, thank you so much! You have no idea how much this means to me." Quickly, before he could change his mind, he got up with his coffee on one hand, hugging his best friend as best as he could while repeating 'thank you's and disappearing through the cafe's door.

"Bastard." Eddie muttered. He really meant what he said earlier.

And he should have stick with that instead of agreeing when he found himself between a sea of people lessthan seventy-two hours later.

God, he thought, how could anyone like this at all?
Well, maybe, if he liked the band, he wouldn't be as bitter as he was at the moment.

His senses changed from his sour thoughts of dislike towards the people of his city to alert when he looked forward and behind him and couldn't find the boy that begged him to go with him to the event.

Panic kicked in.

Looking around rapidly around without finding him, his stomach got tighter, his lungs couldn't fill themselves anymore , the space gap between him and strangers was closing and closing, leaving him no place to move at, no place to breath.

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