the one in which eddie is pregnant.| kaspbrough.

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2018 au | 23/24 y.o.

Some people found it weird. It was in their logic that, if you're a transgender man, it should mean that you like women, right?


Eddie had always liked boys, maybe a little too much. It was just natural to him, and not only because he was born a girl, because feeling like a boy - being a boy - also did.

When this actually came to mind - that he was Eddie and not Danielle -, he didn't even had a glimpse of doubt that he was gay.

Honestly, that was the least of his problems, since his mom insisted on him wearing dresses, so he had to sneak a pair of pants and shirt on his backpack to change at school. Not even mentioning taking off the braids she did, and the light makeup she tried to put on him. But, that was a tale to be told a different time.

This is only a show of how his mom had an effect on him. 

It was a little because of her talks about how the tools of cirgury were never a hundred percent clean, and a little because he was too scared to do it, he never had cirgury. It wasn't a real important matter to him. He knew he was a boy, he didn't need different genitals to prove it.

But it did have him a lot of trouble when he wanted to actually be with boys. You see, there wasn't many gay transgender guys around, so, really, no one really understood. It was his number one worry when it came to dating, though he found this to be easier with bisexual guys. They weren't as shocked out as gay guys.

Nonetheless, it was most likely that the moment when all of them disappeared, and, to be completely honest, Eddie could see why. 

After all, he could get pregnant, while the majority of guys didn't, so it was a risk they didn't wanted to take.

Only one did. Only one guys stayed further than what any other boy had before.


It was their sixth date, after a little over a month of dating, when he found out. 

Eddie have wanted it to take slow, just because he really liked Bill and didn't wanted for him to leave, but he couldn't hold it anymore.

They were back at his apartment, after a dinner together, making out on the couch, when he just couldn't take it anymore. As soon as they dettached themselvew from the other, he tried to calm his nerves and spoke.

"Bill, I-I, fuck, I don't wanna ruind the mood, but I kinda want to talk to you?" The last part came more of a question than he expected, but Bill just rose a brow and chuckled.

"Calm down, Eddie, you're trembling."

He wasn't lying.

Once they were both properly seated on the couch, Eddie was fidgeting with his fingers, while Bill was really struggling to not just hold his hand and calm him down. He didn't thought it was the right moment, not before he looked so serious.

"This is really something I'm not used to share, but I trust you. This is why I've been taking things, physical things, especifically... " They both chuckled at that part. "...quite slow. There's something that is important if we do, y'know, go further."

He took a deep breath, filling himself with courage.

"My name when I was born wasn't Edward." Bill looked confused. "It was Danielle." With that, it hitted him.

Eddie was transgender.

Subcounsciously, his mouth had an 'oh' silently leaving his lips.

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