"i've always liked you too." | stozier.

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It wasn't a routine, it wasn't a habit

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It wasn't a routine, it wasn't a habit. But Stan needed a drink. 

Hard days at work came every week, sometimes it felt as if those were daily. College wasn't really a sweet dream either, with the staff reminding on how much he needed to pay, and his father's constant voice telling him how disappointed he was at his grades.

But why the fuck does one C matters so much? Damn. 

Entering the place, he slightly smirked at himself.

If the twelve-year-old Stan saw him now, he'd most likely be scolding him about how bad alcohol is, not knowing he will have his first drink at age thirteen, just months away, and he won't be disgusted at all by it. 

Sometimes, things that we didn't understand about grown ups and why they did them, turns out to be constant on our lifes.

That doesn't mean we have to understand it, not at all.

Stan rarely understood why he liked vodka so much. Or why he turn to it when he just wanted to forget about everything and feel alive for a little while when he was down. He just desire it once in a while, so it wasn't really as bad.

You could think the contrary as the barman recognises him, salutes him as an old friend. But, after the blush had already started to coat his cheeks, he shrugged it off.

Nobody here knows me, why would it matter what they think of me? With so, he proceded to order a mojito.

"So, what brings you here?"

"Do I need a reason to be here?" Stan's voice had a jokingly tone to it, but the question was a little serious. Does he? Does he really has a reason to be here?

Lucas - the bartender - simply raised his hands bowing after in a funny way, making them both laugh. After that, a conversation sparked between them, as it always did.

Truth is, he did came quite often, but because the food there was - though not exactly healthy - cheap, and, to avoid occupying a table all by himself, he always sat at the bar. Lucas and him have had multiple conversations and can be considered friends by now. 

"How was your test, by the way?"

"Ugh, let's not even talk about it."

A bell rang, followed by steps.  Stan was way too busy drinking from his glass to notice who it was that entered and sat quite close to them. 

"Hello, what would you like this evening?"

"Well, what's there to offer?" The voice seem to spark something into Stan's memory but he couldn't put a finger on what. The flirtatious tone and the vocie itself seemed familiar. 

"If you want, I can get you a menu."

"That depends, are you on the menu?" Both, Lucas and Stan, scoffed at the same time. 

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