lavender. | kaspbrough.

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He was wearing a black jean jacket the first time he came in

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He was wearing a black jean jacket the first time he came in.

It was mid may and Eddie Kaspbrak was so happy spring has at its peak, since he loved to take care of the flowers and organize them by color. 

It was so stupid to anyone else, but he felt on his element. 

Eddie always appeared a little clumsy and messy, but, honestly, it was only because he didn't care about anything else. He had even built a water system for all the plants in the store to recieve.

The fair boy had been working on the flower shop since his first semester in college; he needed a job and this was a five minute walk away from his campus, so, why not give it a shot? After a while, he even thought of switching his current major for botanics, but he was also quite proud of his developement, and decided not to give up on it - at least, not yet.

The boy came when Eddie had recently placed himself behind the counter again, fixing a bouquet of orchids this time. He was pale, had straight reddish hair, and seemed quite lost.

"Do you need help with anything?" He asked trying to sound as nice as possible. The boy, who had been given his back at Eddie the whole time, turned looking a little surprised for the voice.

"Uh, well, I guess there is. Do you have any lavender?" His voice was softer than one could think about his appearance; the only contrasting thing in his black outfit where the maroon boots and the many colored bracelets - concerts, Eddie thought - that were worn along with some leather bracelets. 

He thought of how funny guys like him always looked while in a flower shop. 

Slowly nodding with a smile, Eddie went to one of the corners where the remaining lavender was placed. The guy took them once he had accommodating them, smiling a little at the flower before looking up and thanking him, paying in cash. 

Eddie smiled when he left, going back to the bouquet he had been putting together before the lavender-dude came along. That sort of boys rarely where seeing around there, so it was fun to watch how out of their element they looked, leaving and never coming back.

But the pale boy did came back. Several times after that. Everytime, it was lavender, even though sometimes he will ask for another flower like daisies or callas, the lavender always remained as his seemed priority.

After a bit over one month, the short boy started to ask himself as though why he would pick those flowers, who was the person that received them, why lavender. He always payed in cash, so he never had to say his name nor any other fact about him, which frustrated him a little. It was safe to say he had peaked Eddie's interest.

The visits where slowly becoming more frequent; first, it was every two weeks, then it became every Sunday, then simply any day of the week, soon becoming two days, and now, about five months later, he would go every tuesday, friday and sunday at five pm, a little before Eddie was about to close the store and call it a day.

He always looked the same; his outfit almost always was all black, and even if it wasn't, black was the star of the show, having his bracelets always on and, most likely, leather boots.

But today - a rarely concurred sunday, when Eddie was about to close the store -, he didn't showed up in his usual outfit. Kindly nodding at Eddie while giving him a small, shy smile, he immediatly walked to the already familiar corner, which made the brown haired boy time to take in this new discovery; he had tattoos. 

Usually, he always had a jacket on - leather, blue jean, black jean, you name it -, but today he had a blue jean jacket cramped up in his right hand, leaving the ink on his body to display.

They were messy, scattered around his arms. It wasn't a sleeve, that was for sure. He had many that Eddie could tell from afar - a paper boat, a constellation, some rain boots -, but he moved way too fast to recognize the rest or they were too small to distinguish from afar.

When he handed Eddie the flower of his choice for him to wrap nicely together, making it look like a kind of casual bouquet, he could swore there was a glimpse of color from his inner arm, and he confirmed it when the guy reached for the cash on his pocket, leaving his forearm for display; a freshly tattooed - or so it seemed, judging for the still bright colors and little redness from the skin - lavender branch was showing off. 

It made Eddie smile a little, but the why was a bit of a mystery even for him.

When he found himself closing the doors to head back to his dorm he showed his teeth in a cheesy smile once again, realizing as though why the sight of the ink made him smile; it was a connection he had with him. 

He knew nothing about this guy, not even his name, but he decided to get a branch of the flower he always picked at his store. It was so stupid, and he knew it, since it was probably only because that flower menat something for him, but it made him feel like he had something in common with him, something that somehow pulled them together.

It was midnight when he decided he would talk to him, next time he saw him.
But the chance never came. Neither did the boy.

Suddenly, he just stopped seeing him all together. Like he had vanished or as if he had been Eddie's illusion all this time.

He never spoke about it, neither did he really think about it any more. 

Until, one day, many many years later, while he was travelling through Italy's countryside, hiking in a unknown - or more like unclaimed - field, when he saw an abandoned-looking house, with a lavender field surrounding it. 

In that moment, he saw him again; his light blue eyes, pale inked skin, messy hair, and wondered what happened to him as he saw teenage boy teaching what it looked like it was his little brother to play tag.

He just hoped he was alright.
word count: 1104

i had like a completely full-on block when i wrote this. 

i also had never ever wrote a story with a similar ending so this was different and nice. it wasnt going to end like this but it felt forced so, yeah. this was the way to end my writers block.

i promise next will be better.

i know i know this is shortest than my last one shot, maybe it wasn't as good because of the ending and because you can't really tell that's bill if it's not by the ship name giving it away.

thanks for giving it a try anyways! 

lots of love,

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