"I thought i called shotgun?" Lance asked from the back,"well obviously you didn't since kate is sitting in the front",Katie retorted,"whatever" he scoffed,we stayed silent with the music playing in the background,then a certain song came on,and i smiled wide,"Oh no-" 

"they're gonna clean up looks!" i sang,"With all the lies in the book" lance sang the next part,"To make a citizen out of you" "Because they sleep with a gun,and keep an eye on son.so they can watch all the things you do!" i sang,"Because the drugs never work!" "they're gonna give you a smirk!" "Cause they've got methods of keeping you clean!" "They're gonna rip off your heads!" "Your aspiration to shreds!" "Another cog in the murder machine" Rolo voice cracked,"they say!" "Teenagers scare the living shit out of me!" "they could care less! as long as someone'll bleed!" "So Darken your clothes! or strike a violent pose!" "Maybell they'll leave you alone!" "But not me-" "AND THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT SONG!" Katie switched the songs."Awe Katie" "shut up,we're here".We got out of the car and walked to the entrance,"So what store first?" "Louis?" "Sure"

(DISCLAIMER:true story i went in there cause for an allowance from my mom,aunts(5),uncles(2),step mom,step dad,Dad,and grandparents it was a total of 4,821 dollars so i went in there and this son of bitch had the NERVE to say,"uh...the thrift store is down the street?" "Oh-no i meant to come in here" "well your clothes say other wise" one thing lead to another i got kicked out of the store  for beating up an employee :D)

"Okay,buddy system!" "uh what-" "Lance with Kate,Katie and me" "O...kay?" "let's go!" Lance yanked me off in a random direction,"where we going?" "dunno,just anywhere away from that are-is that Allura? with Nyma....and lotor?" he pointed forward,"uh yeah,come" i lead him near them and hide behind some plant thing so they wouldn't see us,"Kate did that?" "Yup right after she was raped,she had sex with Lance" "huh.." "shes a slut isn't she?" "i mean she's my bestfriend" "so you wanna be bestfriends with a whore?" "..i guess not?" "good,delete her from your contacts" "what!? no! i can't do that!" "Oh by the way when you were away,Katie tried to flirt with me.." "what?" "yeah i tried to push her away" Lance growled and went to get up,but i yanked him back down."what-" "shush!","did you guys hear anything?" "nope." "oh,well delete them both" "Fine" "wow...come on Lance" we walked in the opposite direction,"Okay,let's walk over there" Lance said,"what-" "Hey guys!" they all turned,Allura put on a fake smile,"Hey Kate!" "....hi" "you alright?" "i'm fine,fuck off" "Kate...what's wrong?" "oh i don't know...the fact you believe these idiots" "what about-oh" "You really believe i would do that...?" "well no-" "and that Katie flirted with your boyfriend" "no-" "of course you didn't" "Listen Kate,Allura believes us,she has new friends" "wow...Okay,Let's go lance" i stormed off lance following behind.

"Hey guys! look what we got-what's wrong?" "Allura thinks that you flirted with Lotor,and that i had sex with lance right after owen raped me" "WHAT!? where are these hoes?" "there over there" Katie stormed off into their direction,i followed her,"awe look at shorty what are you gonna do? bite my leg?" they all laughed except allura's seemed forced,"Wanna square up bitch?" "oh no you didn't,Allura hold my phone" "come at me hoe" Katie swung at her hitting her jaw,which sent Nyma tumbling back,Lotor swung at me,i dodged it last second,"you really wanna go?" he put his hands up,i ran toward him side kicking him in the stomach,"HEY! SECURITY! THESE 3 STARTED FIGHTING THESE 2 POOR GIRLS!" Lance yelled,"3!? i didn't do anything" Allura panicked,"Come on,i have to escort you from the mall,and you cannot come back until further notice" "ugh! FUCK YOU KOGANE!" Nyma screamed"i sighed and walked over to Lance,"nice kick" "shut up" "fine fine,you guys wanna go home?" "Sure" we got up and left the Mall.

ScHoOl TiMe + time skip

"so let me get this straight...Allura just left you guys,Owen...y'know....,and Lance is like your..boyfriend? or something?" Hunk asked,"yup,minus the Lance thing he's just my friend" "Ohhhhh,so...Owen still goes here...." "he does!?!" "yeah...he fully enrolled yesterday" "fuck!" "what happened?" i jumped and turned to see Lance,"oh-uh.." "Owen is going to the school now." Hunk said,"when?" "uh...today actually..." "...shit" "Speaking of the devil" we all turned to the front entrance,and there stood,Owen,talking to Nyma,Kai walked up to him and hugged,and of course Owen hugged back to put up an act,"....i'll be right back" i got up and walked over to Owen,"hey Owen!" he jumped,"oh-uh Hey Kate" "I didn't know you were gonna stay here?" "oh..yeah i am" "welp! last night was suppperrr fun by the way" kai looked confused,"what happened?" "oh-me and Owen had a one night stand,it was really fun,wasn't it Owen?" he growled at me,"you liar!" "l-listen kai-" "no! your a fucking liar! i actually liked you!" "that isn't true Kai!" Nyma interrupted."oh really?" "uh....um" "wait-Owen your gay!?" "yeah-" "ugh,let's go Kai,i don't like being around liars" he nodded and followed me back to Lance,"So..what actually happened?" "a few days ago..Owen....raped me" Kai dropped his books out of shock,"what!?" "yeah...he isn't gay..that's why he's always hanging around girls and never with any boys i guess" "oh...that makes a lot more sense" "yeah,anyway i'm gonna head to class" Lance grabbed his bag and walked off,"is he okay?" Katie asked,"uh,i dunno,i'll go check" i ran after Lance,since we both have the same first period class,i eventually caught up with him.,"lance...are you okay?" "......" "lanc-" "i'm fine!" i jumped at his tone,"can you go away now?" he hissed,i frowned,"lance...please talk to me" "go,away kate" i started to get mad,"fine.be a little bitch,see if i care" i stormed off,in front of him,closing the classroom door behind me.

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