"Oh! so i uh....you know your....pregnant right?" "Yes?" "I found out who the father was..." "who?!" "*****"

to be continued.....

"Oh thank god it's Not Owen" "Well yeah,but Lance is gonna be a father,are you sure you and him are ready? i mean are you guys even dating!?!" "No,but we'll work something out" she sighed,"Okay,well get rest" "Bye" "Night." she left,i went upstairs and went to bed.

Hitting you with dat basic time skip

"Kate! Kate! Kate!" "what?" i looked up from my seat,and an extremely happy Katie was looking at me."Guess what?" "What?" "Rolo asked me out!!" "Oh my god,Congrats!" "I know! we were walking to the park last night cause i couldn't sleep,and he just was like,'Hey kat?' 'yea' 'what would you if i asked you out' 'say yes' 'oh....will you go out with me?' and then so on and so forth" "Thats awesome!" she giggled,i smiled,"What about you and Lance?" "I texted him this morning and he didn't answer me" i frowned."i'll go talk to him!" "wait kat-" she was already down the hall.

Lance POV

"Lance!" i turned and Katie was walking towards me,"what's up?" "Why didn't you answer Kate?" "Oh,well i was planning so i didn't have time" "Oh,well tell her you were busy and didn't see it cause she thinks your mad at her" "Oh shit,really?" "Yeah" "Oh,i'll text her now"

Lance:Hey sorry i didn't respond i  was busy

Future bae😍:It's Fine :3

 Lance:Alright,see you at Lunch

Future bae😍:See ya :)

"Welp,thats taken care of" "Alright,See you later Lance,and are you still coming tonight?" "Yes,just i might be a little late" "Okay,i'll tell Katelyn" "Mkay,Bye!" i ran off in the other direction.

Back in Katelyns POV

"He said he'll be late" "Oh..Alright" "When are you gonna tell him?" "After Graduation" "Why not before?" "Cause i want it to be a surprise" "Oh,welp! free period is almost over" "Yeah,i need to head to class,Bye Katie" "Bye Kate!" she ran off to class,i walked to mine which was across the field as i was crossing my name was called,i turned a boy with blood red hair,was running toward me,"Uh Hi you probably don't know me,but have you seen Katie?" "Shes in the science room on the left" "Okay Thanks!" he ran off,"weird...." "Hello~" i turned around,"Felix?" "Miss me?" "Being that you were the creepy guy from my coma dreams,not really" "Well that's a shame" "Mhm,i need to get to class" i pushed past him,he followed me,"So your dating Lance?" "No?" "Oh,well that sucks" "why exactly?" "Cause a little bird told me Allura was gonna ask him out" "what? when?" "Like.....at Lunch" "Hmm,well thank you but i need to go to class" "why not skip?" "Uh i'm actually failing this Class so i need to be there" "Awe bummer" "Yeah i guess." i got to the classroom door,"By the way,Nice outfit" He walked off.

-----Outfit.(ignore the girl ples)

(ignore the girl ples)

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