"Life was supposed to be relaxing...and easy...what happened?"

Lance POV

So it was confirmed that it would be 6 months cause of the state shes in now,no one but Katie thinks she's gonna make it,"McClain! what's the answer?" i looked up at the board,"22" "correct,but pay attention"" i nodded,and stared out the window,i just wanna figure out who...who shot her?...i don't wanna call him but i might have to..."Class dismissed!" i jumped from my seat and ran outside and dialed his number.


Lance:I need your help.


Lance:I need to know who shot my friend,and i need them killed.

Unknown:Aight,i'll hit up Eric

Lance:Thank you Alec

Alec:Mhm *hangs up*

i looked around to see if anyone saw me,and no one seemed to notice so i took off,on my motorcycle to Erics House.

i ran to the gate and jumped in ducking past the guards into the alley way finally making it at Erics house,i knocked,"who is it?" "Lance." "Come in then." i came in and was hit with smoke,i coughed,"jesus-anyway did you figure anything out?" "Nope,i need to get into her IV tube and we don't have one,cause SOMEONE used it for a sex toy" He glared at Mark,i laughed,"if we take my car,we can get to the hospital?" jake said,Anthony looked up from his phone,"Yeah sure" Richard jumped up from his chair,"well? let's go!" we all piled into Jakes Car and drove to the Hospital.

"Hello,who are you boys here to see?" "Katelyn Kogane?" "Okay,Room 121" "Thank you." we walked to the room i pushed open the door,no one was there,we stepped in Alec went straight to work,"So this is her? shes Hot" Anthony whistled,i whacked his head,"Ouch! kidding! kidding!" "Got it!" "so the shot was from an M9 so it wasn't that bad like the doctor told you it was,and this person is freda williams,5'1,Dark skin,and actually lives down the street" "well...let's go" we got to the car,put my mask on and,grabbed a AK,"y'all ready?" Mark asked,we all nodded we took the back way since no one was going that way,we finally got to the house,and saw freda standing in her window,"Do you have to voice cover?" Alec handed it to me,i dialed her number,i watched her pick up,"Hello?" i pressed play,"Hey baby,come in the backyard i wanna surprise you" "Coming!" she hung up and ran down the stairs and waited outside,i did the signal and Alec moved up,"Hello~" she spun around,"who the fuck are you?" "your worst nightmare" "oh please,with that tiny gun? pfft" "oh did i say nightmare? i meant nightmares" we all stood up hold our AKs,she went pale,"U-uh what's this about...if you want money i can give it to you!" "do you know a katelyn?" "Yes? i shot her at a Cheer game,i was paid a shit ton for it,but i only got half cause i was supposed to hit a Lance McClain" "Oh..well then"  i loaded my gun,Alec put the gun to her head,"Get on your knees" she slowly went down,then she quickly kicked alec off balance,but she was to slow cause Mark shot her before she could reach for the gun."Yeesh,her blood looks rich" Alec scoffed,we all laughed and ran back to the car.

"Glad to have ya back Lance" "...what do you mean?" "your not coming back?" 'i just needed a favor" "Oh...well we're always in town so hit us if you wanna talk" "Aight,Bye Guys" "See ya Lance" i left the building and went back to the hospital,to sit with kate,i looked at her closed eyes.

"I'll be with you....your not alone" I held her hand,i swear i felt her squeeze it but i could be feeling things.

Short Kate POV

"WHY CAN'T Y'ALL HEAR ME!?" i yelled,"LANCE! LANCE! I'M ALIVE! I'M RIGHT HERE!" he grabbed my hand,i squeezed it,but he didn't notice,"Please lance.....i'm still here.." everything was black again.

Sorry it was so short the next one might be longer i dunno.

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