4 months Later

"Lance,give up Kate is Dead" Arora said,arora is my 'girlfriend',we had a one-night stand and i gave her my number so yeah..."No.she isn't if your gonna be pessimistic then leave." i said looking at the TV,"I'm not trying to lance,but its been 4 months,and graduation is 5 months away,she won't wake up-" I picked up my phone,"Hello?-this is him-s-she...yeah i'm coming" i hung up,"what happened" "we're breaking up" "what the fuck happened Lance!" "Get out" "ugh fine" she grabbed her stuff and drove off,i ran to my car and drove to the hospital.

"Who are you here to see?" "Katelyn Kogane." "room 121" "Thanks!" i ran into the room,she was awake i stood for a few seconds,and then walked in until was yanked back,"what the he-" "Be careful lance,she lashed out on one of the doctors i don't know if she'll do the same to you" "Alright" i walked back in,"Hey Kate..." she spun around,"Lance..." "Are you alright?" "i'll be okay i think" " oh oka-" a long pause then a long beep."KATE! DOCTOR! NURSE! SOMEONE!".

i woke up with a jolt,Arora looked at me,"You Alright?" "Had a nightmare,and we need to talk" "i was gonna say something too" "Oh,go" "We're breaking up" "Oh....Alright" "your okay?" "i was gonna tell you the same thing" "Oh,welp see you later" she got up and left.i sighed and got up to see the boys.

"So lemme get this straight,you had a dream she died?" "Yup." Alec was still typing away at his computer,Anthony spoke up,"Well maybe she will die." "She won't." "Lance your my bestfriend but...he's right...i texted the nurse and she said is was a 50-50 chance she'll live or die" i froze,"so...its either one?" "Yup" Alec said."Geez." "Lets go relax" "what you mean?" "Hit up a few clubs" "I guess" "Alright! Let's go! and We'll meet Eric,and Richard there" "what about Mark? and jake?" "relationship problems" "what? they're gay?" "you didn't know?" "No! no one told me!" "Oh,well yeah they started dating a few months away,i think like a week after you left" "yeesh" "I know,anyway let's go".

At the Club.

"Ayeee Lance!" a drunk Allura wobbled over,"What Allura?" "y'know i've always had a crush on you~" "Uh...Cool?" "wanna go to the back?" "Uh No thanks" "Come on! it'll be fun!" she grabbed my arm and dragged  me to the back,"Allur-" she cut me off by kissing me,i heard a click,and she pulled off,"What the hell?" Nyma was smirking with her phone in her hand,"I don't think Kate would be happy if she saw this when she woke up." "Delete it." "hmm,nope!" i glared at Allura,she gave me a look of sorry,"I hope you are Happy Allura,you lost all your friends." "I-" "Fuck both of you." i stormed off."yo yo man what happened?" "Allura and Nyma framed me" "Allura? Allura Altea? Kates Best friend?" "Yes." "I knew she was fake,shes been hanging out with Nyma for like 3 years" "WHAT!?" "Yeah i took pictures i was gonna show you but i forgot" he handed me his phone,i looked at them,in the mall,the beach,Vidcon,LA,"wow.she is a liar." "Let's Kill Nyma." "What?" "Kill Nyma" "i wanna do it with Kate" "Alright." "Night Man"  "Night!" i walked home.

"Hey! You!" i turned,the person-well boy looked familiar,"Uhm Yes?" "so...you killed freda?" "Uh..." "You got me fired." "what?" "She was my target,so...your my new one" he took out his gun,and out of instinct i kicked out of his hand,"what the fu....woah woah....listen Man...we can do this a different way" he put his hands up in defense and slowly backed up,as i got closer,"i don't think so" i fired in the air,he screamed,"Oh my god,oh my god" he panicked,"Sorry man" i shot him in the chest,and ran home.

i opened the door,and the doctor and Shiro we're there."Ah! Lance!" the doctor stood up."Uh yes?" "So Kate is gonna be alive and shes also preg-" "She gonna Live!?!" "Ye-" "YES!" "Anyway shes pre-" "can you guys tell me tomorrow? i need sleep" "Sure,she'll be awake in 2 months" "Okie,Bye Guys" they both left,i could have sworn they we're Holding hands,but whatever.i went upstairs and went to bed.

"LANCE!" i jumped and fell of my bed,it was Katie,"what the fuck? how did you get in?" "Benji let me in." "Oh." "Anyway! Camila wanted to talk to you" "shes here too?" "Yup" i sighed and got dressed and went downstairs with Katie,"Oh-Lance! Hi i'm Camila,anywho-do you know freda?" "uh i did" "Oh,well she was shot yesterday,she was like....a really mean and rude person so she kinda deserved it but i just wanted to see if you knew her" "Oh,well i did know her." "Cool,want to come with us to visit Kate?" "Sure" we got in Camilas car and drove off.

"Why the fuck is he here?" Katie hissed Owen was kneeling in front of Kates bed,he looked actually sad then he started Laughing,i growled,and opened the door,he turned and smirked,"Oh Hey Lance" "Shut the fuck up,why are you here?" "Just came to visit my girlfriend" "she isn't your girlfriend" "Owen?" he turned,"Camila! Hey!" "Owen!" she ran to hug him but Katie grabbed her arm."the hell? Katie let me go" "Don't go near that bastard! he might rape you too" "what...?" "he raped Kate" she glared at Owen,"Uh..i-.." "leave." he quickly left the room.she sighed and walked over to Kates side,"I hope she wakes up..." "she will...." The doctor walked in,"So we got some new information,Katelyn is...nevermind" "Okay?" He walked back out. 

"Rest Kate we'll be back..."

Short Kate POV

"GUYS! GUYS PLEASE!" i cried,"I'M AWAKE!" i kept yelling,a hand was on my shoulder,he was pitch black but had a sinister smile,"They won't love you...." he said calmly,"YES THEY WILL!....won't they?"

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