the day kate wakes up.

i was pacing back and forth waiting for them to call room 121,i was the only one that came early,just cause."Room...121?" "thats me!" "come with me" she lead me to a different door,"Come." she said again,we went into kates room she was still laying there,"She'll wake up at eight tonight" "Oh...Alright" she nodded for me to leave i ran to Shiros house,and bust open the door,he was making out with a dude with blonde hair,"LANCE!" "your gay i know anyway,Kate is waking up at eight" "and?" i was shocked,"and? shes like your sister!" "so? Plus she isn't my sister,shes my cousin" " seriously don't care?" "not really" "your horrible,do you know what shes been through!?! SHE WAS ABANDONED SHIRO! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL! SHE COULD DIE! AND YOUR MAKING OUT WITH HER DOCTOR-fuck you shiro,stay away from Me,Katie,Rolo,and Kate,or i swear to fucking hell i'm calling the Police" i slammed the door shut and took a deep breath,and went home to take a nap.

When i woke up it was around,2,so i decided to go out,somewhere.i drove to pick up Katie who had texted me,"GET IN LOSER,WE'RE GOING SHOPPING!" i yelled through the window,"i knew i got that from somewhere" she said,"anyway when is she waking up?" "in six hours" "WHAT?" "calm down-oh guess what?" "what?" i explained what happened with Shiro,"Stop the car." "uh okay?" i stopped,"now drive back to the house".

we went to the house and katie stormed into the house i followed her,"Katie-" she punched him in the jaw,"fucktard." she walked back outside,i followed her,we drove to Rolos House,cause he was having a get together with all his friends,i had no idea why Lotor was coming but whatever,"we're here".

i walked in and i was immediately tackled with a hug,it was...Allura?,"get off Allura" "whyy~" "your intoxicated,and i don't like you" i shoved her off,she frowned but walked away.i got a call,i walked outside



Eric:just come! go through the back!


"i gotta go!" "uh okay" i ran to my car and drove to the house,like 7 vans we're parked in front all of them in masks,i parked a few feet away and ran in through the back passing the guards,"what the hell happened?" "so when we killed freda we pissed off a really dangerous gang" "Goddammit,get your masks and the most dangerous guns you own." we all got suited up.and step outside,"HOLD FIRE!" the strongest person yelled,they put their guns down,"who shot freda?" "we all did." "with?" "AKs" "hmm" "it's a shame we have to shoot you guys too" "what?" i shot him directly in the head,Anthony,Alec,Eric,Jake,and mark we're doing legit parkour dodging bullets,although someone shot Alecs arm,he seemed fine but we still have to get him help,we killed most of them,the rest ran off."So why were they here?" i asked as i took the mask off,"When we killed Freda....someone was watching,Alec caught it on camera and we were analyzing the photo to see if he was right." " you know who it was?" "His name is Felix" "Sounds Familiar" "thats what Anthony said" "Thats cause we do know him" Alec spoke up,"we do?" "Yup,well not you,sorry,but me and Jake knew him,Felix was the masked guy that always texted us information" "Huh" "but...He gave us,the wrong information and almost got anthony arrested so....we called the cops on him and i guess he broke  out,or got bailed and now he wants to get us back." Alec explained,"Yeesh,do you have  a picture?" "Uh i think?" "without the mask" "then no" "I do." Anthony spoke up,"you do?" "yeah" he pulled out his phone.

" Anthony spoke up,"you do?" "yeah" he pulled out his phone

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"He must like purple" Eric said,"Maybe,anyway we need to get Alec some help" we all glanced at his arm that he was holding."Oh Shit i forgot!" we all rushed to the hospital,at this point i had 12 minutes till Kate woke up.

"What are you Boys-oh Hey Lance,what are y'all here for?" "My friend got shot" "Oh boy,come with me,y'know like 12 people with a boy, came in here saying the same thing,he had dark purple hair" we all froze,"That's.....Felix" "Whatever"i reached over the counter and grabbed a key for room 121,"you can just do that?" "My sister works late shift and just lets me in" "Oh" i walked off,i got to Kates room and she was..awake,but she was talking to someone,she was talking to Felix,i don't think Felix knows what i look like but,i'm still gonna wait.....yeah maybe not.

Kate POV

"See? nobody came." "cause everyone believes i'm waking up at 8" "Still." the door slowly opened and Lance stepped in,"Lance!" "Hey" Felix glared so hard at him,i thought he was gonna kill him,"Who is he?" "This is Lance" "what is he to you?" "Uh...." he looked at me,and winked."friend" i finally said,"Huh,well i need to leave Kate" Felix shoulder bumped Lance as he left,"I thought no one was coming" i frowned,"cause all the doctors told me 8,not 7:58" he pulled up a chair,"i have serious headache" "well you did get shot in the head" he said tilting his head,i've noticed that he did that a lot,like a lot it's cute,"What's a Coma like?" "Nothing,expect really weird dreams" "Like....?" "i'd rather not say" "Oh...Alrigh-" the door bust open,Eric was standing there with a terrifying look on his face,"Dude......Alec might die" "what...HOW!?" "w-we went in his room and he had more gun wounds that before!" "jesus Fucking christ-I'll be right back Kate" and he got up and left.

Lance POV(so remember how i said these wouldn't happen a lot? yeah... I lied :D)

we all walked in the room,so many doctors were running around,turning on machines,Flipping switches,pushing buttons,i looked at Alec,he had 2 shots to the stomach,and 3 to both arms,"Felix...." i said,"of course!" Anthony said throwing his hands up in the air,"Fan-fucking-tastic" i sighed,"we'll stay here,go to Kate" i walked back to her room."Sorry" she looked up,her eyes were watering,"whats wrong?" "Shiro said to pack my stuff when i get out of the Hospital....." "He's...Kicking you out?" "i-i guess..." she was actually crying now,i called Katie and she was already on her way.

"So the fucker kicked you out?" "Yeah..." "I'm so can stay with me?" "'s fine...i bought a house a while back just in case" "Oh,well then we'll help you pack!" "Okay" "wait,is the house near us?" "Actually it's in Lances Neighborhood" "it is? Oh! i know what it looks like" "Alright" "the doctor walked in,"we just need to get you medicine and then your free to go" "Okay" she handed her a small bottle,"you can get dressed and sign out" she left,"Okay....Lance" "Oh! right sorry" she giggled and i left and waited outside,they finally walked out,and we drove to her old house to get her stuff.

she unlocked the door and the house was a really clean actually,the sink was running and a boy who was skinny and had round glasses was washing dishes,"Uhm Hi?" he spun around."Oh,you must be Katelyn" "Uh yeah that's Me" "y'know shiro talks a lot about you but it hasn't been positive lately" he turned back around,"what do you mean?" "he called you a.....lot of things" "Like..." "Uh...For one he called you a whore" "what?" "Yeah" "what's your name?" "Adam" "Okay" we all went upstairs we passed Shiros room and he was in there,watching TV,he saw Kate and jumped up,"Kate!" he ran to hug her but she flinched away,"Don't act all nice now." I spat,"What are you on abou-Oh...I wasn't thinking straight" "So you called me a whore?" she asked,"well...uh.." "and literally texted me telling me to move out?" "i didn't think you'd see it...." "ugh" she pushed past him and went into her room,we glared at Shiro but followed her.

We had finished Packing around,12,so we were all tired,and the house was like 2 hours away,so we decided on a hotel,being that we already had Clothes,"Well,which hotel?" "well there's one near here which is walking distance and then drive to the house,OR,we could drive an 1 and 30 minutes and go to the hotel closer so then we don't have a long drive tomorrow" "Let's do the second one" Katie said,"Alright" we got in the car,Kate said Bye to Adam and ignored Shiro as he yelled for her not to leave.

Next Day.

"We're Here!" i looked up at the house in awe,"Woah..." "Right? the lady gave it to me for like,1K" "really?" "Yup! anyway lets get decorating!"

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