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Alora's POV

" I wanna see her "

I always dreamed of those words exiting from his mouth but I never knew it be this soon. I slowly turned around as he stayed staring at me.

" You wanna see Hayden? Am I dreaming or did you actually wanna be a father for once? " I know I sound harsh but he abandoned me and his daughter for three years all for some stupid music career. I had every right to be angry and upset with him. I don't even know if I want him around Hayden she doesn't know him like that she'll be confused. She's only three she doesn't need that shit.

" Alora please I wanna make up these last few years up. I wanna be in your and Hayden' s life. We can be a happy family like you want " Jahseh said grabbing my hands kissing them. I felt my heart speed up. There is no doubt that I still love Jahseh I mean of course I never stopped. But who's to say he won't just leave again?

" Look I don't know you got a busy career and you probably won't have time for us. Plus you'll just leave again  and I don't want you disappointing Hayden " I said as he let go of my hands letting them fall beside my thighs. Jahseh sighed putting his head down looking down at his feet.

" Alora please I love you and I want to be in our kids life. I wanna be there for y'all like I should have been all them years. Please let me make it up to you I promise I won't let you or her down " Jahseh begged as I rolled my eyes smiling.

" Ugh alright fine but I'm only doing this for her so don't get it twisted " I said sternly. Jahseh nodded as he grabbed me spinning me around as I screamed laughing.

" Put me down you asshole " I said giggling as he lightly put me down.

" I was actually about to go get Hayden so you can um come with me so you can see her "

Jahseh's eyes lit up as he smiled really big showing his grills.  " yes please I wanna finally see my baby girl "

It warmed my heart when he said baby girl. Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea I mean Hayden does need her father. And tho I won't admit this to him I need him too. He was my everything and he still is. After all he is the father of my child.

I texted Alex telling her I was leaving deciding to tell her about Jahseh later. She responded with an ok knowing her she'll come home drunk tonight.

I got into my car as Jahseh got inside buckling up as I start the car heading towards my mom's house. Arriving at my mom's I told Jahseh to stay in the car for his sake. My mom doesn't technically like jahseh and I don't wanna deal with drama tonight so I told him just stay in the car.

" Thanks mom for watching Hay"

My mom kissed my check as I put Hayden in her car seat buckling her up covering her up. She was fast asleep and I hope she stays asleep.

" She's beautiful like you "

Jahseh's words hit me hard as he stared at Hayden in awe.

" She has your eyes " I replied quietly taking the quickest road home. Jahseh looked at me smiling for ear to ear.
" She also has your attitude and let's not forget she sleeps like you"

" She uh always asks about her daddy and I for years never knew what to say to her. But now that your here I can finally say that her daddy is here" I said tearing up thinking of her broken face when I would tell her daddy wasn't around.

" You better not break her heart Jahseh I'm serious she's three she cannot take that kinda pain " I said pulling into my driveway putting the car in park. " I know Alora and I'm sorry you had to go through that. I promise I'm here to stay " He said holding out his pinky. I silently laughed as I linked my pinky with his.

" Remember we use to do that when we was together and you thought it was so kiddy like but you still did it cause you knew it made me happy " Jahseh said smiling at me as I laughed at the memory. " Yeah I remember that. I remember everything " I replied.

"I didn't think you did. I thought you hated me for years. Kinda why I didn't come around plus I didn't know if you kept the baby or not " I could tell it upset him a lot to know he missed out on his kid growing up. I sighed and kissed his check as I got out unbuckling Hayden from her car seat careful not to wake her up. I carried her inside laying her down in her bed before cracking the door.

" Successfully got her in the bed without waking her up " I said silently praising myself. Jahseh chuckled as I silently clapped.

" Um you mind if I stay over it's kinda late anyways" Jahseh asked scratching his head. I thought for a moment before finally answering. " Yeah sure I don't mind "

I went inside my room changing into shorts and a lose shirt. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and went back into the living room as Jahseh was on the couch watching TV.

" So I'm guessing your wondering how I managed to raise her without you?" I asked sitting next to him.

" Yeah I've been wondering that all night. Alora how did you do it?" Jahseh asked resting his hand on my leg. " I got a job a worked till I saved up a lot then I got this cheap apartment and I eventually got a better job and when Hayden was born my mom and Alex helped out some and I continued working and saving up so I could buy stuff for Hayden and now here we are. I'm blessed let's just say that "

Jahseh just stared at me as he rubbed my leg making me feel soothing. I always loved when he would do that.

" I'm so sorry I've been such a jerk and I hope I can be an amazing father for Hayden" Jahseh said rubbing his eyes.

" You will be just don't stress it " I replied smiling.

" I want Hayden to meet my mom tomorrow"

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