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5 months later...

Alora's POV

I was so ready to give birth to this baby already. Pregnancy was going okay till I started throwing up everything I ate. So they had to give me fluids cause I kept passing out. It was horrible. But we found out the gender and it was indeed a boy. We decided we are gonna name him Cayden Lee Onfroy. Me and Jahseh decided to get married before Cayden came.

The wedding was in a week and honestly I'm so excited but nervous. This is the rest of my life we are talking about. But I'm very content with how my life is. I got my kids and my fiance with me and I got my bro Ski and Alex. We are one big happy family. Ski and Alex ended up getting together since Ki never returned after he disappeared randomly one day saying he just couldn't do this anymore. Alex was of course upset cause she's literally anytime now. But Ski stepped up and decided to help which was great because now they are very happy together. We also found out Alex was having a girl and naming her Jayleen Marie Foose. We decided since Ki was the father we could at least give her Ki's last name.

Hayden was now 4 years old and I couldn't help but think how time has flown by but netherless we was all happy. " Alright babes your gonna hold this bucket of flowers and while mommy and daddy are up at the alter you are gonna come down the aisle and drop the flowers as you go " I explained to Hayden as I passed her the bucket of flowers. I even went all fancy and put her name on the bucket with little decorations.

" Okay mommy like this?" She asked as she littered the aisle with flowers as I smiled. " Yes perfect baby! " I said crouching down to her level and kissing her cheek. " Hey baby and hey little Caydon " Jahseh said coming up to me while rubbing my stomach.

" Hey babe I was just showing Hayden what to do as the flower girl'' I replied as Ski and Alex walked up. " Okay the preacher says rehearsals are over so we can all go home now " Alex said as she held Ski's hand. I smiled while nodding as I grabbed Hayden's hand and Jahseh's hand as we all walked out the church and towards the car. " Today went well I'm so excited it's only 5 days away and I cannot contain the excitement " Jahseh gushed like a little girl. I chuckled and looked at Alex as she started breathing heavy.

" Aye you good?" I asked grabbing her leg. " I feel a tightening sensation in my lower region but I don't think it's anything to worry about " Alex said smiling trying to assure me. " Your baby is literally do anytime now " Ski said resting his hand on her stomach. Alex threw her head back as she groaned. I knew something wasn't right so I silently told Jahseh to head to the hospital. He nodded and started to speed up a bit as we entered the highway. I told Alex to take deep breathes so she wouldn't freak out considering she's never been through this before and I know she's probably scared. " So remember when you helped me with Hayden when she was born?" I asked trying to distract  her from the pain. She looked at me and nodded taking another deep breathe. " Well that was practice for the real thing babes" I said as she groaned again. 

" What if I'm not good enough? What if she hates me?" Alex asked as tears burned the rim of her eyes. I sighed as Ski looked upset that Alex could think such a thing. " Baby Jayleen will love you as much as you love her. Your her mother she's always gonna love you no matter what. You are gonna be an amazing mother and don't you think you won't be enough cause you are fucking awesome at what you do" Ski said kissing her as I awed. We arrived at the hospital as I helped Alex out. Ski grabbed Hayden and we all walked in asking for a doctor asap. We didn't know if Alex was in full labor or not but we wasn't taking chances. They helped her sit into a wheel chair as they wheeled her into the delivery room. The doctor helped her onto the bed as she laid back breathing heavy. I grabbed her hand squeezing it a bit. 

"  Miss your water hasn't broke yet but we wanna keep you here over night in case it does break cause your due any time now so for now I want you to rest " The doctor said smiling as she closed the door. I looked at Alex as she looked tired and sweaty I grabbed a tissue dabbing her forehead and then I covered her up so she wouldn't get cold. " You and Jahseh can head home so you can get Hayden to bed. I'll call if anything happens Imma stay with her " Ski said passing Hayden to Jahseh. I nodded and gave Alex a hug then Ski. 

Me and Jahseh went back home and laid Hayden down as we sat on the couch watching TV cause we couldn't fall asleep. I felt a kick on the side of my stomach making me gasp a little considering Cayden doesn't kick as much. Jahseh looked at me worried as he sat up a little bit I looked at him as he sat confused. I grabbed his hand putting it on my stomach as Cayden kicked and Jahseh smiled kissing my stomach. " I love you and our son " He said kissing me. " We love you too jahseh " I replied rubbing his cheek. 

" Are you excited about our wedding?" I asked as he looked at me then he looked down. I scrunched my eyebrows together as he got up walking to the kitchen. " Jahseh baby?" I called out following him into the kitchen. " Are you not excited?" I asked feeling my heart in my stomach. " It's not that I'm not excited it's just lately I've been thinking these past two days about everything. And like I'm afraid it's gonna change everything and I'm afraid things are gonna fall apart" Jahseh said as tears starting to run down my face. I didn't say anything instead I pulled off my ring setting it onto the table. I left Hayden behind cause she was sleeping and I knew Jahseh had her. I grabbed my jacket slamming the door behind me as Jahseh called after me. " Alora please wait I'm sorry" Jahseh yelled running up to the car as I put it in drive speeding off. I started silently sobbing as I started to swerve a little into the next lane. 

I wasn't paying attention as I looked down and seen my phone ringing as I heard a loud horn blaring. I looked up gasping as I swerved over driving right into a ditch as the car flipped on its side making me hit my head on the window. All I seen was black as I fell unconscious...

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