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Alora's POV

The next day me and Jahseh got up so Hayden could meet his mom. Don't get me wrong I want her to meet her grandma but I'm so nervous. Last time I seen Jahseh's mom was before I was pregnant.

" Does she know that Hayden exists?" I asked as I slung Hayden s diaper bag onto my back. " Yes and she's very excited to meet her " He smiled showing his shiny grills. Hayden came running into the room giggling.

" Mommy where are we going? " She asked giving Jahseh a smile. This morning Jahseh got to spend some time with Hayden as I slept in and according to Jahseh they hit it off great. I just hope she likes her grandma. " We are gonna visit your grandma so let daddy hold you "

Hayden ran up to Jahseh as he picked her up kissing her check. This warmed my heart to the core. I'm so glad Hayden has her dad back. I just hope he sticks around this time...

" Don't worry she's gonna love her Hayden is a social butterfly just like you and me " Jahseh said patting my leg making my heart speed up. He still had that affect on me that's for sure.

I pulled into the driveway as my anxiety started raising. I was so nervous right now it was unreal. I never really thought this day would come about. Jahseh got out unbuckling Hayden taking her inside.

I took a deep breath bracing myself as I opened the door seeing Jahseh's mom Cleo hugging Hayden as she giggled and smiled. I sighed a relief thankful she didn't throw a fit and cry.

Cleo looked up seeing me and running an attacking me into a hug. I instantly hugged back realizing how much I missed her all these years.

" Your so beautiful darling! It's been too long I'm so happy to see you and Jahseh and Hayden all together " She said smiling as big as she could.

I smiled back as Jahseh looked at me as if I was the only person in the room. I looked up at him smiling back. It was good to have my family back together. " Yes I've missed you too. It's really good to be back " I replied.

After chit chatting and playing with Hayden me and Jahseh decided to head back to the house and rest up. I picked up Hayden as she fell asleep on my shoulder. I hugged Cleo goodbye as Jahseh held the door open for me.

" That went really well I'm so glad she got along with Cleo " I whispered putting Hayden in her car seat covering her up with a blanket.

" Trust me I knew it would have gone well. She loves you and Hayden " Jahseh said kissing my forehead making me blush.

We arrived back at home seeing Alex's car in the drive way. " Looks like Alex is home I wonder what she's doing " I said to myself as Jahseh got Hayden out. I opened the door as I told Jahseh to put Hayden to bed.

" She is out like a light she must have had fun today " Jahseh said entering back into the living room.

Alex's POV

I woke up to the sound of the front door opening and closing. I jumped up pushing Ski out the bed. " OUCH"

" Shhhh dipshit Alora is home she doesn't need to know this happened " I said throwing him his clothes as he got off the floor. I quickly put my clothes on making sure my hair didn't look crazy. " Alright Imma sneak you out the front door. Just make sure your quiet " I softly said as Ski nodded his head. I swear he better not make a sound. I quickly open the door grabbing Ski and walking towards the door.

Alora's POV

I hear Alex exit her bedroom as Ski followed closely behind her. I gasped as Alex and Ski stopped dead in their  tracks.

Alex and Ski both looked at us wide eyed as they slowly waved at us. I rolled my eyes smirking as Alex turned a bright red.

" What the hell Is he doing here with you?" Alex asked pointing at Jahseh.

" And what the hell is he doing coming from your bedroom?" I asked pointing at Ski. " Oh we hook-" Ski was cut off by Alex slapping him in the back of the head. " Shut up dipshit''

" I thought when I left the club you'd just find a way home " Jahseh said looking at Ski.

" Well I was but then I ran into Alex and well yeah shit happened. What the hell did y'all do?" Ski asked.

" We talked things out and I'm in Hayden's life cause I wanna be a good dad. And me and Alora are talking and taking things slow" Jahseh explained making me nod agreeing.

" Oh well that's nice. Don't mind us we just gonna go off and um go shopping'' Alex said quickly rushing Ski out the door.

" I wonder what those two are up to" I said out loud as Jahseh laughed.

" So I gotta question"

" Yeah?" I said sitting down on the couch.

" I wanna take you and Hayden out tomorrow afternoon for lunch. And don't say no cause it's my treat alright just dress nice and be ready tomorrow by 2 " Jahseh said kissing my cheek as he left out the front door leaving me shocked.

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