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Alex's POV

I had just laid down and got comfortable as Ski snored softly on the couch with the TV playing. I chuckled resting my head on the pillow closing my eyes. Then all the sudden I heard banging on the door waking me and Ski up. I cursed loudly hoping Hayden didn't wake up. I looked beside me and seen she was still knocked out. Thank God.

I walked to the door looking through the peep hole seeing Alora with tears streaming down her face. I opened the door immediately hugged her. " What happened?" I asked pulling her inside closing the door Ski hugged her as she rested her head on his shoulder. " Jahseh cheated on me " She said as Ski's jaw clenched. " Sis it's okay I'll go talk to him " Ski said kissing her head before disappearing out the door. " I was sleeping and he came in making out with some blonde chick. He saw me and started apologizing saying he loved me and I just couldn't take it so I ran over here" She explained. " Is Hayden okay? I miss her" Alora said walking over to Hayden kissing her cheek as she stirred a bit. " How could he do this to me? Let alone do this to his daughter?" She asked looking at me as I bit my lip. " Hun I dont know he probably got so upset he got drunk and made a mistake. Sometimes people make mistakes and they dont think things through I honestly dont think he did this initially " I said rubbing her back.

Ski came back with Jahseh beside him looking like a complete mess. Jahseh had blood shot puffy eyes and his hair and clothes where a mess. Alora looked at Jahseh and started crying. " Me and Alex will step outside while y'all talk " Ski said grabbing my arm pulling me outside.

Alora's POV

Ski closed the door leaving me and Jahseh in the quiet darkness. I sighed sitting on the couch patting the spot next time. " Sit and explain now " I said sternly as he nodded sitting beside me.

" After we got into an argument I went to the club and I drunk alot and this girl came up and I brought her to the hotel and well we started making out as you seen. But I wasnt in my right state of mind I didnt know what I was doing Alora. I'm so so so sorry I did this to you. I love you and our daughter I never wanted to hurt y'all. I wanna be here for our daughter and for our kid that's on the way " He said sobbing. I sighed looking at the bed as Hayden laid sleeping.

" I forgive you but I'm willing to give you another chance. Cause I believe everyone deserves a second chance. But you need to show me that I can trust you again cause right now I don't trust you " I said as he looked at me smiling. " I wont let you down babygirl I promise. I love you so much " He said kissing me. I smiled into the kiss. I got up from the couch opening the hotel door. " We are good you guys can come back in " I said as Alex and Ski smiled.

" Vro don't hurt my lil sis again or I'll have to kick your ass " Ski said lightly punching Jahseh's shoulder.
" Dont worry I wont " He said smiling. " Now we need some sleep cause we have a show tomorrow night and I want a lot of energy " Jahseh said tugging me to our hotel room. 

" Hold on babe let me grab Hayden and I'll be in there in a second " I told Jahseh running back into Alex and Ski's room. " I'll take Hayden thanks for watching her I don't know what I would do without y'all " I said hugging Ski and Alex grabbing Hayden I walked back to me and Jahseh's room laying her down in the middle of our bed. I pulled the covers back cuddling beside Hayden as she thankfully was still asleep. Jahseh turned off the lights crawling into the otherside cuddling into Hayden as well. I sighed smiling feeling happy and satisfied with how things are right now. Tho me and Jahseh had a bit of a problem I know we can work it out because I believe in us and besides I'm never giving up on us. He blessed me with Hayden and now I'm blessed with another one on the way. I couldn't be more thankful. Soon after my thoughts sleep took over.

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