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Alora's POV

After we got situated inside our hotels me and Alex decided to go walk the streets of Paris. It was very beautiful down here it almost made me wanna move down here. But of course I couldn't. " You good you've been quiet ever since we landed?" Alex asked as I snapped out of my thoughts. " The whole plane ride Jahseh's phone kept blowing up and it was texts from a girl named Tasha'' Alex's eyes got wide. " Alora wasn't Jahseh's ex named Tasha?" Alex asked as I gasped. " Shit yes I didn't even think that it could be her " I said shaking my head. " Alright look tonight at the concert when he's on stage will go through his phone " Alex said rubbing my shoulder. I nodded liking the plan. " But let's get back to the hotel and get ready cause Ski and Jahseh want to get there early " I said checking the time on my phone. We walked back to the hotel as the temperature started dropping as the sun was going down.

" Hey babe y'all like Paris?" Jahseh asked me when we walked inside the hotel room. I nodded not speaking cause I didn't know what to think of him at this moment. He wouldn't cheat on me would he? We have a kid together he wouldn't do that. " MOMMY!" Hayden yelled running into my arms. " Hey baby have you been good for daddy and uncle Ski?" I asked as she nodded quickly. " Yes I have I promise " She said sticking her small pinky finger out. I giggled linking my pinky with hers. I kissed her forehead before putting her down as she ran over to were Ski was sitting.

I decided to shower so I didn't have to do it later. I washed my hair and body using my good scented body wash. I decided to just straighten my hair an leave it just like that. Then I went to my suitcase picking out what I was gonna wear tonight.

I settled on a jumpsuit with leggings over it

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I settled on a jumpsuit with leggings over it. I slipped on my red pumps feeling myself. I had a very very small bump starting to show just a tab but it wasn't much of a difference. I smiled rubbing my stomach. I applied light makeup and some clear lipgloss. Feeling satisfied I walked out as Jahseh and Alex was already ready. I grabbed Hayden sitting her on the bathroom counter. I pulled her hair into a pony tail putting a cute bow in her hair. I put a little cute purple dress on her along with her sandals. " You look so cute " I squealed grabbing her hand walking her out the bathroom. " How do we look guys?" I asked as we both did a dramatic pose. Jahseh giggled. " My girls look beautiful " He said kissing my forehead as I felt my heart race. Why is this happening?

We all piled into the car driving to the venue which was actually quite big. Most of them were small but this was huge. I picked Hayden up carrying her to where their dressing room was located. I put Hayden down as she played with my phone sitting on the couch. I sighed as Alex entered the room. " They are doing soundcheck right now but they said we can just chill in her till the show starts " I nodded sitting beside Hayden watching as she played games on my phone. " What if I find something I don't wanna find and He's cheating " I said. " Alora hunny maybe he's just texting her as a friend. Maybe he isn't doing anything wrong " She said rubbing my leg. I kicked my heels off sitting cross legged. " Yeah your right he's probably not doing anything " I said trying to convince myself other wise but it was hard as time ticked by.

" Alright girls the concert is bout to start. Y'all can come out here " Jahseh's manager said poking his head inside the doorway. I nodded picking Hayden up and carrying her towards the stage. I sat her down in a chair so she could see the stage. But she was too busy playing with my phone. I giggled while shaking my head. Just like her daddy.

The concert started as the crowd got loud. The music started playing as the base shook the floors. The first song was 'Sippinteainyohood'

I bobbed my head singing along to the lyrics. I actually was having a good time. Me and Alex swayed and shook our hips to the music as we sung the lyrics to each other.

" Oh I forgot he sat his phone over there. Go get it and found out what the hell he's up to " Alex said pointing towards his phone that was sitting on the snack table. I sighed walking over to his phone picking it up. His lockscreen was of me and Hayden. I remember that day to she wiggled too much but she finally sat still long enough for me to take the picture. My finger print was in his phone thankfully so I was able to get inside his phone. His phone opened revealing the messages between him and Tasha.

Tasha: Hey how's your girlfriend and your daughter?

Jahseh: They are good! She's actually pregnant again I'm so excited!!

Tasha: Aww congrats hun I'm happy for you :))

I turned his phone off sighing in relief sitting his phone back onto the table. I turned around to walk back towards Alex but Jahseh stood behind me looking pissed. " Why was you looking through my phone?" He asked clenching his fists. I was at lost for words because I didnt know what to say. " I um was seeing why you was texting Tasha your ex " I said quietly putting my head down.

" So that gives you the right to go through my phone. I thought you trusted me? But I guess you don't. We have a kid together and a kid on the way and you thought I was gonna cheat on you!? How could you think that!?" He yelled as tears fell down my face.

" Just leave me alone for a little bit I need space " He said grabbing his phone off the table and storming off. " I'm sorry Alora but just give him some time he'll come around " She said picking Hayden up.

" I'll watch her tonight for you I think you need a break and some time to yourself also " Alex said smiling as she took Hayden with her. More tears fell down my face as I felt stupid but also relieved that he wasn't cheating. I felt bad that he was upset now but I had to see what they were talking about. He should have told me they was texting anyways. We are suppose to be honest with each other at all times.

I went back to the hotel to see Jahseh wasn't in our hotel. I was alone tonight and I hated it. I sighed pulling my clothes off putting on one of Jahseh's shirts crawling inside bed crying myself to sleep.

Jahseh's  POV

I was so hurt and pissed I wanted to get drunk and forget everything. I went to the nearest club ordering a whole shit ton of shots drowning them all not thinking twice. My mind started to become fuzzy and I was seeing double. I couldn't even barely stand without staggering. " Hey cutie" I heard someone say beside me. I looked beside me and seen a hot ass chick. I smiled biting my lip. My body was out of control and I didn't know what was happening to me. " Let's get out of here " She said tugging on my arm. " I have a hotel up the street let me take you there " I slurred. My mind was in another state and I could not control what I was doing. It felt wrong but so right at the moment.

Alora's POV

I was about to doze off when I heard the door knob wiggle. I sat up hoping that it was Jahseh. The door opened revealing not one but two people. They were making out but since it was so dark I couldn't see who it was. I turned on the light seeing Jahseh making out with a blonde chick against the wall. I gasped as tears started falling down my face. I started sobbing as Jahseh turned around looking at me as his eyes went wide. " Alora...I-I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking. I love you so much please don't leave- " I cut him off by running out the hotel room crying.

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