You're Getting Engaged!

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Your Pov:

I woke up to the sound of my father knocking on my door. I sat up and got ready for the day.

I put on this dress:

I put my hair up into a low bun and left two strands on the sides

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I put my hair up into a low bun and left two strands on the sides. I put on some light make up before heading downstairs. Father sat in his chair, reading the newspaper. I cleared my throat. He looked at me and smiled.

He put the paper down and stood, "Ah, I have some good news for you, (Y/n)." I tilted my head, "What is it, father?" He picked up a letter from the table. I recognized the seal as the Schuyler's. He handed it to me.

"Read it for yourself, dear." I opened the letter and started to read.

To Mr. (L/n),

I accept your proposal on behalf of my sons. I feel that this engagement will benefit both of our families and companies. My sons are awaiting your daughter, (Y/n)'s arrival to our home. I hope we can continue to be good business partners for years to come.

Sincerely, Phillia Schuyler

My eyes widened as I looked up from the letter, "What engagement, father?" He chuckled, "Your's, of course! You'll be engaged to the Schuyler brothers." I put the letter back on the table, "B-But father! I don't even know them and...Wouldn't it be strange to have 3 husbands?" He put the letter into a drawer, "That's been figured out. No one would question it since it's the Schuyler family."

I sighed, "When do I get to meet them?" He grabbed his coat from the rack, "Today. We're going right now, actually." My eyes widened, "N-Now?!" I grabbed my fan and a shawl before following father out to the carriage. We got into the carriage and off we went. My thoughts were racing.

I didn't know them and they didn't know me! Then again, I had heard of them from around the city. They were a part of one of the richest families in New York.

My father made this "Proposal" that I didn't know about until today. Mother would've been just as happy though. My mother...died when I was young. She was everything a mother should be: kind, caring, loving, and more.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by the carriage coming to a stop. I stepped out of the carriage with my father. The house was a little bigger than ours and I could see a little bit of a garden. We approached the door and father knocked.

The door opened to reveal Mrs. Schuyler. She let us in and lead us to a sitting room, "I'll be back with my sins shortly." She left the room and father turned to me, "Aren't you excited,
(Y/n)?" I nodded, "I guess so. I mean, I'll hope for the best."

The door opened and we stood. Mrs. Schuyler returned with three boys, presumably her sons. The first was taller than the other two by a few inches. His dark hair was curly and tied back into a pony tail. The second was an average height with short and straight brown hair tied into a small pony tail. The last one was about the same height as the last one. His hair was also curly but was put into a bun type of style.

My father and I walked forward to greet them. I curtsied, "My name is
(Y/n) (L/n). It's a pleasure to meet you."  The tallest boy stepped forward and bowed to me and kissed my hand, "My name is Angelo Schuyler. The pleasure is mine, Ms. (L/n)." The other two followed suit and introduced themselves.

My father, along with Mrs. Schuyler, ushered us to go and get to know each other. The three boys led me to the garden. It was filled with all sort of beautiful flowers. I sat on the stone bench along with Elizjah and Angelo. I smiled as I watched Peter water some flowers. Angelo spoke up, asking something I didn't want to answer, "I saw that it was just you and your father that came. Is your mother at home?"

The smile faded from my face. They were all looking at me now. I looked down at my hands, "My mother...passed away when I was young..." It was silent, then a hand gently grabbed mine. It was Elizjah, "We didn't mean to bring up a sensitive subject. I'm sorry."

I just shook my head, "No. It's alright." We continued the conversation and they ended up asking questions about what my hobbies or favorite colors were, along with some other things. After a while, we were talking like old friends.

I was actually having fun.

Eventually, my father came to get me. We headed out to the carriage. The three of them stood on the steps. As I made my way down, I kissed each of them on the cheek before stepping into the carriage. I looked at them one last time and saw that they were all blushing.

The carriage then started off and we headed home. The whole ride home, my father wanted to know about everything that happened between the three boys and I. I just told him about how we all got to know each other, excluding the conversation about my mother, of course.

Once we arrived home, I went up to my room and changed into a nightgown. I blew out the candle on the table before lying in my bed. I stared up at the ceiling deep in thought about today. After a while, I felt my eyes getting heavier and I fell asleep.

Author's Note: I'm sorry if it was really broad or not descriptive enough! It's going to get better in the next chapter. There will be a lot more interaction. I just wanted the meeting to feel a little awkward because it was their first time meeting each other. Thank you for understanding!

3 Times the Engagement (Schuyler Brothers x reader x Alexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now