I Now Pronounce You...

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Your Pov:

After I arrived back at the manor, we all spoke, the truth about Philip and everything else coming out all at once. Surprisingly, there were no quarrels about my decision. I started replanning the wedding with passion I never had before. And soon, the wedding had arrived. I looked at myself in the mirror. Everything was perfect and nothing was out of place.

I would be walking myself down the aisle, but I didn't mind. I grabbed my bouquet and waited outside the church doors, fiddling with my green sash. Then, the music started. I took a deep breath and started walking. I smiled as I approached the altar. The ceremony went perfectly and at the end, the minister spoke to our guests.

"I present to you the Schuylers, Mr. Hamilton, and Mrs. Schuyler- Hamilton!"

Everyone clapped as we left the church. We headed to the reception, which was at the lake I had found. It was beautiful. Cherry blossoms floated on the water and white lace hung from the trees. A small orchestra played as everyone took their seats. Multiple friends and family members made their toasts. Alex's friends also gave some very comical speechs while Aaron watched Philip. This was where I was meant to be. It finally felt like I was home.

I spoke to the four of them, "Thank you for staying with me and loving me. I don't know where I'd be without you guys. I love you." Alex held my hand, the golden band shining on his hand, "We love you too, (Y/n)." I looked at the guests. Aaron's daughter, Theodosia, was playing with Philip while Aaron watched them. Alex had walked off to talk with Washington a few feet away. I smiled as Washington patted his shoulder.

The brothers were mingling with the business men and company owners.

I looked at the ring on my finger. It was a golden band that held each of the boys' favorite colored stones. An aquamarine for Elizjah, a ruby for Angelo, topaz for Peter, and an emerald for Alexander. In the middle of the four was a (favorite stone).

Philip's last name had been decided on the day before the wedding. He was also going to be a Schuyler- Hamilton. And I was proud.

I hadn't decided on if I wanted any more children after Philip, but I knew Alexander wanted children some day. The boys seemed content with Philip, so I never brought it up.

I just know that Philip will blow them all away when he gets older.

The sun began to set and we headed to our new home that we had built a month before the wedding. It was large and had a beautiful interior as well as exterior. There was a large garden along with a pond.

It felt like home to me.

But I knew that my home would be where ever my husbands were, despite the places I may roam to...

A/N: I feel like this is the true end. I feel like the other two endings are 'good endings' but this feels likes an actual end.

I hope you have enjoyed this story and the adventure it has taken you on.

Keep checking back for updates, as I may do a sequel with the third ending!

Thank you!!!

3 Times the Engagement (Schuyler Brothers x reader x Alexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now