The Reynolds Pamphlet

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Author's Note: This is going to be a sad chapter. The Reynolds Pamphlet is going to happen like it did originally, but you aren't married yet. Also, they say "on a visit to her father". This will be kept the same. Thank you.

Your Pov:

In the weeks that followed the incident with Alexander, I left to see my father who was stationed in a nearby town. He seemed to be in good health and teased me about when he would become a grandfather. After a week of being with my father, I headed back to New York City.

When I arrived, I noticed everyone was reading some kind of paper. I shrugged it off as some gossip in the newspaper. As I walked past a few people, they stopped talking and looked at me with pity in their eyes. I started to get nervous. Did something happen while I was gone and I was a part of it? As I got to the middle of the city, I could see three men reading the same paper as everyone else. It was Jefferson, Madison, and Burr.

They were all competitors in the jeweling business. (Just go with it!) They turned towards me, big smirks on their faces. Jefferson approached me first, "You read this yet?" I shook my head and he handed me the paper from earlier, "You really should." He then walked away, muttering something.

I started to read the paper.

The charge against us is a connection with one James Reynolds. For purposes of Improper speculation.

Our real crime is an Amorous connection with his wife. For a considerable time with his knowing consent.

We had frequent meetings with her. Most of them at our own house. Ms.
(L/n) herself being absent on a visit to her father.”

I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I dropped the paper on the ground and ran as fast as I could to the Schuyler residence. I could feel the tears running down my face as I ran. Suddenly, I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Alexander. I tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my wrist, "You read it didn't you?"

I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. I cried into his chest as he held me. I pulled away and turned, "I have to go. I'll see you later." I took off towards the house in the distance. When I arrived at the house, I quietly made my way inside. I headed up to my room. I opened my trunk and pulled out the letters I saved. I read through each of them. Feeling the tears well up with each word.

'My Dearest, (F/n)'
                                     'Dearest (F/n)'
'My Lovely (F/n)'

I turned to the fireplace, watching the flames dance. I then grabbed the letters. As I turned back to the fireplace, I heard the door creak. Angelo, Elizjah, and Peter stood at the door. Seeing them made the tears run over and drip down my cheeks, "What?" They all looked guilty. Angelo spoke first, "(Y/n). We never meant to hurt you. Jefferson and Burr were going to tell all of New York City and your father if we didn't do it first."

I laughed dryly, "That's no excuse." I took the first letter out of the envelope, "You can stand over there if you want. I re-read your letters and they can burn for all I care!" I threw the letter into the fire. The flames swallowed it, burning it to nothing. They tried to give excuse after excuse but I refused to listen. I only took two letters out of the trunk. I had more that I couldn't bring myself to burn.

I threw the second letter into the fire before standing back up. I walked past them, telling them one last thing, "I hope that you three burn..."

I walked out of the house, hearing their calls. I went to a nearby pub, hoping to find Alexander. Inside the pub, everyone was talking about that stupid paper. I looked around spotting Alexander by himself. I approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He turned to me, "(Y/n)?" I sighed, "Can we talk?" He stood and led me outside without a word. We went into the alley next to the pub. I turned to him, "I don't know what to do..." I fiddled with the ring on my finger, "I know I can't call the engagement off, but my father has probably gotten word of what they did. I was played for a fool!" I took the ring off, but before I could throw it, Alexander took it out of my hand.

He looked at me, "Don't blame yourself for this. They made a big mistake but that doesn't make throwing your ring away any more right." I sighed sadly, "You're right. I need to clear my head. I think I'll go see my father again." He nodded, "Alright. Stay safe and be careful." I smiled slightly, "I will."

With that, I got on the next carriage to my father's station, trying to clear my mind of today's events.

What I didn't know, was that Alexander was about to turn their world (the brothers) upside down.

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