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Your Pov:

I sat in the rocking chair by the window, holding Philip in my arms. Alex was out at a cabinet meeting with Washington, so I was alone. Philip absolutely loved Alex. He would coo and try to hold Alex's fingers. Alex adored Philip. He'd play with him, feed him, and even sing to him sometimes.

I stood up and headed outside. Some fresh air would do us both some good. I stayed close to the house, sitting on a nearby bench. I rocked Philip, "Philip, you outshine the morning sun, my son..." Suddenly, someone stopped in front of me, "(Y/n)? Where'd you disappear to?!" I looked up, "Mr. Jefferson, I'd appreciate it if you'd tone your voice down." He huffed.

"I went all the way to Georgia and back looking for you. We had a deal and-!" He was cut off by another voice, "I see you've met my wife Jefferson." It was Alex. Alex scooped Philip out of my arms and turned to him. Thomas spoke, "Your wife, Hamilton? And I suppose that kid's your son?" Alex nodded, "Yes. Philip is my pride and joy. Now, we have matters to attend to that don't include you, Jefferson." Thomas spoke up.

"Your wife made a deal with me. And I intend to go through with it." Alex handed Philip back to me, then turned to Jefferson, "Well too bad. And in terms of legality, your deal doesn't hold water. The deal was that if the Schuyler brothers did not come back or send a letter of their wellbeing, that (Y/n) would marry you. However, she came to me after leaving your residence. And, the Schuyler brothers are alive."

Thomas crossed his arms, "Your proof?" Alex pulled a letter out of his coat pocket, "Right here." He handed it to me, "(Y/n), if you please." I held Philip close as I read the letter out loud to the two men.

Dearest (Y/n),

The war is over. The Battle of Yorktown swayed in our favor and the British surrendered. However, our group is to be one of the last to leave the camp. Because of this, this letter may reach you later than expected. We are all alright with only slight injuries.

Elizjah's arm is in a sling since the kickback of one of the stronger guns partially dislocated his shoulder. Otherwise, he is excited to see you again.

Peter has slight bruising on his head. He was sent to spy on a British camp in the area, but was caught. Luckily, another soldier, Mulligan, helped him back to camp. The Redcoats had hit him with the butts of their bayonets. He's still as active as ever and he also misses you as well.

As for me, well, I'm doing alright. As we approached Yorktown, a Redcoat fired and shot my horse. It reared and I fell, fracturing two of my ribs. But they are healing nicely and should be completely healed by the time we arrive home.

I should cut this letter short. We should be arriving home in 3 days time. The three of us love and miss you very much. I hope that when we return, we can have our wedding and the family we always wanted.

Love, Angelo.

P.S. Love, Elizjah and Peter.

Thomas scoffed, "Is it dated?" I nodded, "Written 3 days ago." He turned and left. Alex turned to me, "What were you and Philip doing outside?" I sighed, "Getting some fresh air." He nodded, "Let's get inside. It's getting cold." Once inside, I placed Philip in his crib and headed back downstairs to Alex. I spoke, "Did you really have to tell Jefferson that I was your wife?" He looked at me.

"If I didn't, you'd be in Monticello right now." I bit my lip, "I guess you're right." He approached me, "But, we could make it a reality." I looked at him, "Alex, I..." He continued, "Marry me and we can continue living happily like this. Me, you, and Philip, we could be a family. We could be enough." I bowed my head.

"I-I can't Alex. They're alive and they're coming home. They deserve to meet their son. And I promised my father I would marry them. He and Mrs. Schuyler are gone now. It's up to me and the three of them to continue where they left off."

He held my hand, "You don't have to marry them. As for Philip, you could tell them he's mine and that you moved on after assuming they died. No body needs to know."

I rested a hand on his cheek. He leaned into my touch. I looked at him.

"Oh, Alexander..."

A/N: Ok, so I've been thinking about this for a while. Do you guys want me to write an ending for the Schuyler brothers and an ending for Alex or just an ending for the Schuyler brothers?

And don't freak out. The ending or endings won't be coming for a while. So you still have plenty of chapters coming.

3 Times the Engagement (Schuyler Brothers x reader x Alexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now