Stay Alive

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Your Pov:

The next day, while the boys were out, the doctor came and confirmed my suspicions.

I was pregnant.

After the doctor left, I sat by the window, watching the people. A while later, there was a knock on the door. I stood up and opened it. A man in a soldier's uniform stood on the other side. He spoke, "On behalf of General Washington, I am to deliver this letter to the Schuyler family." He handed me a letter. I nodded, "Thank you." I closed the door and moved back to the window. I sat and opened the letter, my eyes scanning the paper.

Dear Citizens,

It has come to my attention that as the war rages on, so does our loss of our many soldiers. Due to this, I, as general of these colonies, have come to a decision.

3 men from each family must enlist. There will be no exemptions aside from notable illness.

Those men will be expected to assemble in New York Harbor a week from this letters arrival.


I bowed my head, my hand resting on my stomach. Just then, the door opened, "(Y/n)?" I looked up to see Angelo. I said nothing, but held the letter out to him. He took it. As he read it, Elizjah and Peter came into the room. Angelo turned to them, "Read this." They started reading. Angelo sat next to me, "Are you alright?" I tried to smile, "As long as you three come home at the end of the day, that would be enough."

For the rest of the week, we spent as much time together as possible. I tried to tell them about my condition, but I could not bring myself to do it.

The next week, on a Monday, I saw them off. They left in uniform with bayonets slung over their shoulders.

I was now all alone in the manor.

A few days later, a knock came on the door. I opened it, "Mr. Jefferson. To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" I stepped back and allowed him inside. We sat in the sitting room. He spoke, "Well, Ms. (L/n), I heard your fiances have been sent off to the war. I've come to offer my own hand in their stead." He presented a very beautiful ring. I bit my lip.

"I'm flattered Mr. Jefferson, but I have to decline." He chuckled, "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. How about this: if your fiances do not return from the war, you'll marry me." I went silent. If they all died, I'd be left with nothing. The manor would be repossessed and I would have no money since I wasn't allowed to run my father's business. I had all the deeds to it, but I couldn't run it.

If I took this offer, my child and I would be taken care of.

I spoke, "Fine. I...accept your offer."

He smirked, "You've made the right choice. I'll be back within the month." I showed him out and went up to my room. I changed into a loose nightgown and got into bed. I cried until I fell asleep. One thought circling around in my mind.

'Stay alive...'

3 Times the Engagement (Schuyler Brothers x reader x Alexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now