Mrs. Hamilton

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Your Pov:

I looked at them, "We all need to talk." My gaze lingered on Alex. Once everyone was ready, I continued, "Philip...Philip is Alex's child." Angelo crossed his arms, "And the mother?" I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I am Philip's mother. I am sorry that this is what you've returned home to, but I had honestly thought that you had all died. I lost hope, but Alex was there to pick me up again."

(Philip is a Schuyler, but reader is lying here to be with Alex)

Elizjah looked at me, "Do you love him?" I bit my lip, "Honestly? Yes. And I apologize if you feel betrayed, but I do." The three of them looked at each other, then nodded. Angelo smiled, "We understand. The marriage will be called off. You deserve to be free." I hugged him, "Thank you. I hope you find true love too. You all deserve to."

Then, Alex and I headed back to his small home. Alex put Philip to bed as I slipped on a nightgown. Alex stepped into the room, pulling me into a hug, "Thank you for choosing me, (Y/n). I know I don't have much, but I promise I'll make you happy." I smiled, "You've already made me happy, Alex. I love you."

He looked at me, "And I, you."

I pulled him close, my lips touching his in the dim light of the candles...

One Year Later...

I stood in the kitchen, preparing dinner as I waited for Alex to come home. I had a huge surprise for him after dinner. Just then, I heard the front door open, "(Y/n)?" I went to the foyer and greeted Alex, "How was work?" I hung his coat and led him to the table. He spoke, "It was fine...other than that pompous peacock getting into my business again."

We ate dinner in a comfortable silence. After we finished, Alex spoke up, "Are you alright? You're acting a bit strange." I smiled, "I do have a surprise for you. Close your eyes." When he closed his eyes, I grabbed his hands, placing them on my stomach. I spoke, "Now, open them." He opened his eyes, his gaze flitting from my stomach to my face multiple times. He smiled brightly. He kneeled in front of me, placing a kiss on my stomach, "This is wonderful, (Y/n)."

He stood, "Philip will have a little brother or sister soon. By the way, where is Philip?" I giggled, "He's with the Schuylers today." I looked at him, "And I've been thinking. I think, that if it's a boy, we should name him after my father or Washington and if it's a girl, maybe name her after my mother or perhaps...yours." His eyes became slightly glossy.

"I would love that."

9 months later, I gave birth to (surprisingly) twins.

One boy and one girl.

They were brought into the world on January 12th, one day after their father's birthday.

And we had decided to name them:

Rachel (Mother's Name) Hamilton


(Father's Name) George Hamilton

3 Times the Engagement (Schuyler Brothers x reader x Alexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now