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Your Pov:

I stared into his eyes. His deep, chocolate brown eyes. His stared back, his gaze never wavering. Then, he closed the space between us.

Hand to hand.

Chest to chest.

Mouth to mouth.

I closed my eyes, savoring the moment despite my body yelling at me to do the opposite. There was no clash of tongues or teeth. Just us, lost in the moment. I pulled away first, taking the time to catch my breath. I looked at him, then towards the window. The sun was setting, coloring the sky in brilliant hues of orange, red, and pink. I spoke, "I need you to watch Philip while I go into town."

He looked at me, "What do you need to go into town for?" I grabbed my coat, "I have some business to attend to. That's all. I'll return soon." He squeezed my hand before letting it go, "Alright. Be safe." I quickly went outside and untied Alex's horse from it's spot. I got on and urged the horse into a trot. I rode through town until I came to the Schuyler residence.

The horse slowed to a stop and I tied it to the post. Three familiar horses were tied next to it. Willow, who was Elizjah's, I'vena, who was Peter's, and another horse that did not look like
Cimmarus, who was Angelo's. I quickly knocked on the front door. Footsteps approached and the door opened. There stood Elizjah, arm still in a sling. Tears cascaded down my cheeks as I threw myself into his arms. He hugged back with his good arm, "I've missed you." I smiled.

"I missed you too. Where are Angelo and Peter?" He held my hand, "Follow me." I followed him upstairs to the study. Shuffling came from within as if someone was looking for something. I heard Angelo, "Did you find anything? A note? A letter?" Elizjah opened the door, "Angelo, you can stop looking." The two of them turned towards us, stopping when their eyes landed on me. Angelo spoke first, "Where have you been? We got here this morning only to find you not here." I bit my lip.

"Staying alone was making me go crazy. I was just staying with a friend." Before any of them could answer, there was another knock on the front door. We all stepped downstairs. Angelo opened the door, "If it isn't Mr. Hamilton. Do you have some business here?" Alex stood on the doorstep, Philip bundled up in his arms. I hoped none of them would ask about Philip. That would be my breaking point in all of this.

Elizjah spoke up, "You're married Mr. Hamilton? I assume the little one is your son?" I looked at Alex. He glanced at me, then back at the boys, "Ah, yes. My wife is out of town and I came to ask Ms. (L/n) for help with my son." Before the boys could say anything, I spoke up, "Of course, Mr. Hamilton. Come in and follow me." I quickly led him up to my room. I closed the door and took Philip from his arms, "What are you doing here?"

He looked at me, "I got worried when you didn't come back, but I knew that you'd be here. Now that I know that you're alright, I'll take my leave." I grabbed his hand, "What about Philip? You told them that he was your son. You can't leave without him." He sighed, "Come back home with me for tonight. Make up a lie."

He rested a hand on my cheek, "I just want to spend one more night with you." I handed Philip back to him, "Alex, I..." I paused as the door opened to reveal the boys standing on the other side. Angelo spoke first, "I can't believe you. So all this time, you've been with him?!" Elizjah was next, "Long enough to bear a child..." Peter was silent, his usual hyper attitude gone. I tried to speak, but nothing came out. Alex held Philip to his chest, seemingly at a loss of words as well.

Then, I snapped.

I picked up the skirt of my dress and ran out of the room. I ran down the stairs, hearing Alex's shouts and the wails of my precious Philip. I got outside and untied Alex's horse before getting on. I snapped the reins and sped off just as the boys stepped outside. I couldn't face them.

Not in the state I was in.

3 Times the Engagement (Schuyler Brothers x reader x Alexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now