part one

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Disha is waiting for Pragya at bus stop.. as always Pragya is late..

Disha something murmuring, in little high tone, some people look to her with weird face, they think she gonna mad- this girl never came on time.. as always late.. when I call her she didn't pick my call, always cut my calls.. if I message her.. she didn't even reply my message too..

A tapped on Disha's shoulder, Disha turn, & she fold her both palms- it's miracle Pragya God ji.. if you two more minutes late then our bus surely miss.. & most important thing if you late two more minutes then all these people send me to mental hospital.. why you always late yaar..

Pragya- sorry yaar.. woh aunty.. she is not well.. so I made meal for them.. that's why I was late..

Disha in irritated tone- last 2 years you being late.. coz of your Aunty.. she always being sick.. I always heard same words from your mouth.. tell me one thing..

Pragya very clammy tone- what!

Disha- your aunty always said you, she not well.. but whenever kitty party hold at your place.. how her health so well..

Pragya- Disha leave it yaar.. today I'm so happy..

Disha's irritated face change into happy, she smiles- I'm also happy..

Pragya- last 3 years, I was only dreaming about only one thing.. that my dream hotel.. there I'll gonna be a internship.. I'm to much excited..

Disha- I'm also excited..

Pragya question her- why are you excited.. you wanted to do MBA, I choose hotel management.. that's why you left your MBA seat.. it's not fair..

Disha- see my dream is.. live my life with you only forever.. think once if I'm boy.. then you were my girlfriend & of course my wife too.. but God by mistakenly sent me on Earth as a girl..

Pragya smile- you know what, I like your stupid talks..

Disha smile- and I like you.. I'm telling you one serious thing..

Pragya- bol..

Disha- when your marriage happen, if your husband have brother then I'll get marry with him.. I promise you for that..

Pragya- if my would be husband have no brother.. then

Disha- then.. I'll marry with his best friend..

Pragya- if his best friend married then..

Disha- then he'll divorce to his first wife for me.. then I'll be marry with him.. problem solve..

Pragya awe-stricken on her answer- Disha you're impossible..

Disha- it's not impossible.. it's I'm possible..

They both saw there bus arrives, they way to there destination..

Mehra Mansion:

Sarla- plz look this pictures of girls & tell me which girl is perfect for Abhi..

Prem- I don't understand, how to find perfect girl for Abhi.. just you look and finalize..

Sarla- you are father of him.. how can you say those words..

Prem- do one thing.. you ask your son only, about this girl's, at the end he'll get marry..

Sarla calling Robbin name.. he came, Sarla say- where is Abhi..

Robbin- sir is in his room.. ready to go hotel..

Sarla- told him that I call him urgent..

Robbin- yes mam..

Robbin did his job, he gave message to Abhi about Sarla calling him urgent..

Abhi came downstairs..

Abhi look Sarla's worried face, & ask- hi Mom.. what happen.. Robbin told me you call me urgent..

Sarla- sit here.. Abhi sit near sofa..

Abhi in concern tone- maa why are you worried.. something happen..

Sarla- some pictures of girls, you choose one for you.. & settle yourself with her..

Abhi didn't look single picture- reject everyone..

Sarla- you didn't look them once & reject in one minute.. it's wrong beta..

Abhi- maa I'll get marry but that will be love marriage.. most important that girl will love me not my status.. these pictures of girls not my type.. they all love my status.. not me.. I want my life partner like, she have guts, to oppose me.. for my wrong way.. she have to argue with me for my nonsense things.. not these types girls who say yes for everything..

Prem- I don't think.. you got someone like your type..

Abhi- papa don't say like these.. I'll find my type girl for myself.. maa you have any pro..

Sarla cut him mid- I don't have any problem, I just want my daughter in law love with my son only.. when you meet my daughter in law..

Abhi- maa that girl will fight with me, eye to eye contact without her knowledge, who I am.. that girl will my life partner..

Sarla- when you find that girl, after next day I'll reach to her home, with your alliance..

Abhi smile- ok, so I have to go now.. bye maa papa.. he get up from sofa.. Prem again call Abhi's name..

Prem- Abhi..

Abhi turn to Prem- yes papa..

Prem- sit & give me some answers..

Abhi again sit- say..

Prem- why now in mid, new internships..

Abhi- papa I'm opening new branch of our hotel..

Prem- beta within 2 years, you opening 4th new branch of hotel.. and again new one..

Abhi- yes papa, but these new branch will in partners, Vin's share in that..

Prem- how much Vin invest..

Abhi- 25%, our will 75%..

Prem- you investing big amount beta..

Abhi- papa no worries, I'll handle it.. be relax..

Prem- ok as you wish beta.. I'm enjoying my retirement.. you look everything.. & he smiles..

Abhi smile- may I go now..

Prem- sure.. Abhi left to hotel..

Pragya & Disha reach there destination, Pragya stood on entrance of Mehra's hotel & look at top banner of Mehra's hotel name, which is written in marbles..

Disha look her & say- we have to go in..

Pragya- just a moment yaar, I'm looking my dream with my open eyes.. till morning I'm looking my these dream while closing eyes.. I'm capturing these moment, that my dream come true..

Disha smile & say- you & your dreams, I'm going inside, you came soon in..

Pragya- haan.. Disha went in hotel..

Pragya busy in capturing moment, couple of minutes later, one car came in full speed with give horn, Pragya turn to see, that car press breaks in very hurry.. Pragya almost statue on place with closing her eyes.. a moment later she open her eyes.. look herself safe.. she saw car stop some inches from her...

Next part very soon...

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