part twenty one

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Disha & Vin reach there, look Pragya & Abhi stood near lake, they took thief steps towards them, Disha hugged Pragya from back, Pragya jolt by her hugged..

Disha- hi Shona..

Pragya look back & say- you scared me stupid! See my heart beating so fast, if heartache came..

Disha- heartache! It's impossible, in dreams too..

Abhi give hi-fi to Disha & say- right!

Vin- Abhi you actually change your party.. it's not done dude..

Pragya- Vin I'm your side..

Vin- done.. done..

Disha- Shona, it's wrong..

Pragya- everything is right..

Abhi- you trio continue, I'm going inside, I'm so much starving..

Disha- no.. no.. we trio also coming..

After dinner over.. Vin propose to Disha..

Vin- Abhi when I expressed my true feelings to Disha, that time you not available here, so today you're here, in front of you, I propose to Disha..

Vin turn to Disha, forward ring to her- Disha will you marry me!

Disha- no!

Vin, Abhi, & Pragya shock by her answer..

Vin- what..

Pragya- Disha what are you saying..

Disha- last three years I thinking about you, last two & half months, we dating each other, if you ask me casually, I said yes to you, why you proposing me for marriage Vin..

Pragya slapped on Disha's arm- just say yes Disha..

Disha smile- Vin & you know so well, I love drama..

Abhi- ok, so what's your final decision..

Disha- yes..

Vin move his hand with ring towards Disha, Pragya stop him & say- Vin stop it plz..

Disha look to Pragya- what happen?

Pragya- Vin think once, my friend already lost her nuts.. she will harm you, be careful..

Vin smile- she already harm me, already I skip my so many beats for her.. & he slip ring in Disha's finger..

Pragya- suniye!

Abhi up his eyebrows- what!

Pragya- box..

Abhi- ohh sorry, & he give box to Pragya..

Pragya open the box & forward to Disha- Disha show me your hand..

Disha show her hands to Pragya, Pragya wear two bangles in Disha's hands & say- it's from Vin's Maa to you, it's blessings from her to her daughter in law..

Disha- thank you..


Four look to man..

“Today our restaurant complete five years, in our celebration plz all couple come on dance floor, & make this evening romantic”

Abhi look to Pragya, forward his hand to her & ask- so Mrs. Abhishek Mehra, will you dance with me..

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