twenty three

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On evening Abhi back to home from hotel, he ask for Pragya to Robbin, Robbin inform him that she didn't back home yet..

Abhi dialed Pragya's number, but it's switch off, Sarla came there & ask..

Sarla- where is Pragya..

Abhi- Maa she didn't back home yet..

Sarla smile- haan I know, she went with you na for clinic..

Abhi- haan Maa, but after check up, she back to home itself..

Sarla- means..

Abhi- maa I dropped Pragya to clinic, & left for hotel, coz of important meeting, she messaged me, when her check up done, she mentioned in message that she goes towards cab line, & as we decided that she'll be messaged me four time, I received her only one message, my meeting goes so long, that's the reason, I didn't call her, I thought she back to home, & take a rest.. after meeting done, I called her but it's continuously switched off..

Sarla- first you call to Disha, & ask her..

Abhi- Maa whole day Disha was with me..

Sarla- just a moment, I call to Lata ji, & Sarla call to Lata, ask about Pragya, she inform to Sarla, that one month ago Pragya came there, after that she didn't visit for Arora house..

Abhi with worried tone- maa I'm going to clinic..

Sarla- ok, inform me, whether you know anything..

Abhi- haan, & Abhi left Mehra Mansion..

Couple of minutes later, Abhi reach to clinic, doctor inform him that, Pragya visit to clinic on morning..

Abhi came out from clinic, call to Disha- hi, sorry to call you this time, I just want to ask you about Pragya, is she with you or she go anywhere..

Disha- no Pragya is not with, nor she messaged me today..

Abhi- ok..

Disha ask him in worried tone- something wrong with her..

Abhi- morning I dropped her to clinic, but she didn't back to home..

Disha bit shock- what..

Abhi- you don't worry about it, I look what happened actually..

Disha- no, I'm coming there, where are you now..

Abhi- relax Disha, I'm here..

Disha with stubborn tone- no I'm coming there..

Abhi- ok, Vin will receive you from your place.. end the call..

Abhi call to Vin & inform him that meet him at police station, with Disha..

Out of police station..

Vin to Abhi- I don't think they file our case..

Abhi- I just talked with commissioner, don't worry, they will help us..

They enter in police station..

Inspector- Mr. Mehra you bring your wife picture..

Abhi- yes, & he give picture of Pragya to inspector, inspector give picture to search department & order them for search..

One cop enter in police station with thief, & with lady purse..

Inspector to that cop- Jadhav what happen, who is he..

Jadhav- sir he stole these purse..

Thief- no sir, I didn't..

Inspector- what about these purse..

Thief- sir I got these purse on M.G road.. but Jadhav sir caught me with these purse, swear to god I don't stole these purse..

Jadhav- sir he's lying..

Inspector check the purse, & say- Mr. Mehra..

Abhi- yes sir..

Inspector- today, why your wife goes to M.G road..

Abhi- on morning I dropped her to clinic, our family doctor's clinic there..

Inspector show some I'd proofs to him- your wife purse, her I'd, her address proof, & your, her picture in it..

Abhi, Disha & Vin shock to see everything..

Inspector ask to thief- don't lie with me, are you sure, you got these purse there on road or you stole it, & inspector slapped him so  hard..

Thief- sir I'm not lying, I got these purse on M.G road..

Abhi- plz don't lie, I assure you, they never harm you, but plz don't lie with us..

Thief- sir I swear to God, I swear of my mother also, but I'm not guilty..

Inspector- take him to interrogation room..

Inspector to Abhi- you plz sit here, I ask to control room, they will check CCTV footage, when you receive last message of Mrs. Mehra..

Abhi- near by eleven..

Inspector- ok, & he go from there..

Half hour left, inspector back to police station..

Abhi- what happen sir, any clue..

Inspector- your wife has been kidnapped..

Abhi, Vin & Disha got another shock..

Abhi- ho.. how it can be.. possible..

Inspector- we saw CCTV footage, & we confirm this news by tea stall owner, he saw a person, who wear a mask, that person hit a rod on back head of Mrs. Mehra, she collapse on place, one black car came & they..

Abhi cut inspector in mid- car's number..

Inspector- blank number plate, our police force start their work.. you doubt on anyone..

Disha- Nikhil.. Nikhil Sood, he is the one, who threaten to Pragya.. he is the one, who do this job..

Abhi with stern tone- I want Nikhil Sood, Lata Arora & Mahesh Arora here at any cost, within hour.. & make sure, that Nikhil Sood treat like king.. he is the one, who a blackmail to Pragya, two or three times..

Galaxy tower, 28th floor, Pragya lying on bed, her both hands & legs are tie by rope, person inject her..

Thanks for reading..

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Next part very soon..

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