Chapter 6

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- Carly

*Present day*

I sat in Shane's police car as I waited for him to come back out. We were going to the hospital today and Lori was going to drop off Carl at school and head on over. I finally saw him walk about of the Sheriffs Department with a vase and flowers. I chuckled at the vase choice. It looked like something that his grandma would have in her house. He put the vase in the back and got I the front seat. I smiled the rest of the way down to the hospital.

We parked the cruiser and set off inside. Once we were in the hallway I watched as Shane shifted uncomfortably. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked down at me. I smiled sadly and walked in. I sat down on the side of the bed and Shane walked over to the other side.

He leaned over as he started talking. "Hey bud. We're still here. We're still hanging in." He said and I watched as he searched his eyes for anything, any sign of movement, any flicker of the eyelid. Anything. He pulled back slightly. "I'm sorry man. I know I say the same crap every time I come in here." He said and he looked over at the flowers.

He smiled slightly. "Everyone pitched in on these. They--They wanted me to bring 'em down. They send their love, and they just--They hope you come back real soon." Shane said and then he chuckled. "Linda and Diane from dispatch, they picked these out. Probably can tell, huh?" He continued and I smiled. He sighed and his voice got shaky. "I'm just gonna set these on your side table, okay?" His voice cracked and I watched as his eyes got all teary. Shane. Crying? I don't think I've seen this since... Never mind, I said I would never speak of it again.

I stood up and moved around the bed. I walked over as he sat down in the chair. I sat on the arm of the chair and put my head against his chest. I felt his grip around me and I tightened mine around his neck. We stayed like that for a while until I heard him clear his throat. I stood up and shifted awkwardly. "I'm--uhh--I'm gonna go to the vending machine." I said and Shane nodded, still sitting down.

I walked down the hall thinking. I'm gonna visit at least once a month after Rick wakes up and I go home. I miss them so much and I want to be with Carl while he grows up. Lori doesn't have any siblings so I'm the only aunt he has. He might considers Shane his uncle but he doesn't call him 'Uncle Shane' or anything. I was looking down at the floor as I walked and I bumped I to someone. I fell backwards and landed on my butt.

I glanced up to see a guy staring down at me. "Sorry little lady. Didn't see ya there." The man said and he had a strong southern accent. He was a deep country boy. He held out his hand to me and I accepted. He pulled me up but he didn't let do of my hand. "I'm Austin. And you are?" he asked and I cleared my throat. "Natalie." I said quietly and he smiled. "I can hear your accent no matter how quiet ya talk. You from around 'ere?" he asked smiling and I nodded. "Well, Natalie, I hope to see you around." he said and I noticed he drew out my name. He winked and finally let go of my hands. He walked down the hall and I giggled when he turned around to look back.

I shook my head and headed back. I walked into the room to see one of the doctors checking Rick out to make sure he was still healthy. "Whatcha get from the vending machine?" Shane asked from behind the doctor and I jumped slightly. The doctor giggled and I saw Shane laugh behind her. I sighed and figured he was still in his womanizer phase that he's been in for the past 20 years. "I -- uhh-- I got a candy bar but I ate it on the way back." I lied and decided to let the doctor do whatever tests she was doing on Rick.

I walked back into the hallway and sat down in one of the chairs lining the walls. I watched as the elevator dinged and Lori popped out. She saw me in the hallway and stopped dead in her tracks. "Natalie?" She panicked and I looked up. "Oh, no Lori! He's fine! Don't even think like that!" I said and I watched as she let go of the breathe she was holding in. I walked over and hugged her. "I don't know what to think anymore." She said softly and I closed my eyes. "Just don't give up hope. He's a Grimes, We are tough. Carl is tough. You have to stay strong for him and Shane. Shane already has it on his conscience that it's his fault when it's not, I don't want anything else on there." I said and she nodded.

I let go and she smiled sadly. She started towards the room and I smiled.

Rick is a Grimes. He is gonna get through this.

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